Chapter 2

22 4 1

Aldonza's POV
    These chains are starting to annoy me plus Alexia is trying to scratch her nose.
"Would you STOP IT!!", I will punch her very soon.

"What am I doing wrong now?!"

"Well clearly you are tempting me to punch you with all that rattling you're doing with those chains"

"Oh so trying to scratch your nose is a crime?"

"It is, when you're disturbing me with those chains", how in the name of Artemis is she my sister and my twin at that.

"I'm soo hungry"

"Yeah me too", There is this buff guy trying not to kill us right now because of our noise,

Hehe he must be having a hard time right now.

"Umm, man whose name I don't know, PLEASE can we have food, or at least water?", Alexia says giving her best puppy eyes. He just simply ignores her trying his best not to kill us right now

Honestly, I have to say he has a very high tolerance, if I were in his shoes, you would have died 2 hours ago

Hey! so you want to kill me?

Oh you didn't know, you are so lucky you are my sister

I honestly have nothing to say

"Hello ladies", Great the royal Beta is here (Note the sarcasm)

"Oh hello dipshit", Says Alexia.

You really can't shut up can't you?


A thunderous growl cut me off from lashing out at Alexia. I focus back on the Beta and boy does he look furious. That deadly look pointed towards us slowly turns into a wicked smirk, I would have said he looked sexy if not for the intention of the smirk.

"I would watch my mouth if I were you buttercup",

Alexia please don't react, PLE-

"Or what Beta?", nice, we are dead for sure. The Beta released an angry snarl for the direct insult.

"Bruce, get me the whip"

Oh so that's his name. Wait what whip!?

Bruce walks away from our cell to get the whip. He comes back shortly with a really long silver whip that looks really ancient. Well for us dragons, silver doesn't affect us as much as it would affect a werewolf. But our only weakness is gold. So we would be hurt yeah but not much.

"Now because of your loose mouth you and your sister are getting twenty five lashes", okay now this dude is plain stupid.

"Hey what did i do?!"

"Oh you speak, that's nice. I would love to hear you pleas for mercy"

"Marcel, Bruce, chain them for the whipping", then another guard pops up from God knows where and unlocks our cell with Bruce in tow.

Marcel looks like he is on steroids, with shoulder length platinum blonde hair, sharp jaws, thin lips and icy blue eyes, he sure looks like a cute muscular balloon. He carries me roughly and forces me to stand, then chains me to the low ceiling, therefore leaving me dangling with my back exposed to the evil Beta. Bruce does the same to Alexia before the two leave our cell.

I slowly hear the Beta approaching and unexpectedly gives Alexia one painful whip. She tries to show no emotion at all which she is really good at. He walk over to me and tails his index finger down my sides to my hip. I shiver in disgust and try to wiggle which is really impossible because of my state. I guess he must have taken it as a shiver of pleasure cause he starts coming up my belly and under my breasts. Meanwhile Alexia is a growling monster right now.

"Look idiot, I ain't a fucking slut so back off and look elsewhere", I growl out. He snarls and gives me two painful lashes of the whip.

"Now that was for interrupting my fun"

He whipped the promised 25 lashes each (mine 27). Currently my back is a bloody mess, I'm sobbing heavily and my favorite shirt is now ripped because of that bastard. The guards came back in  and removed our cuffs roughly if I do say so myself. Alexia looked really angry and I was still crying my eyes out. They went out of our cells leaving us without the cuffs and with the beta.

"The Alphas will be back tomorrow so rest up for your last day on earth.", He said smirking while washing off his bloody hands in an aluminum bowl in the far corner of the dingy cell. He walks out the cell, locks it and walks away into the dark hallway.

Alexia and I scoot closer to each other at the same time, with her trying to stop my hysterical sobbing and me tying to calm her down to the best of my abilities.

Its obvious Alexia is the blunt, stronger and stone hearted one in the two of us, with me being the shy, reserved, kind, wiser and obviously the delicate one. she only shows emotion to the people she trusts but I get emotional almost all the time.

"I'm scared Alexia", I say in a hushed whisper after my sobbing fit.

"Don't worry, I'm always here by your side. Those fuckers ain't doing anything to us.", she says with an undertone of anger.

"How many times do I have to tell you. Stop with this all this bad language", I say exasperated

"Oh so I'm suddenly at fault when you just said 'shit' hours ago", she said rolling her eyes

"But mine was called for, but you just say shit randomly", I say tired of her useless excuses.

"But you just said 'shit' again, who's wrong now", she said with amusement shining in her eyes.

"Oops. But honestly you can't blame me, you infuriate me sometimes.'', I say trying to come up with a defense.

"Mm hmm", she says nodding her head slowly while rolling her eyes at me, perhaps for the thousandth time today.

We burst out laughing at our foolishness, the whipping forgotten.

Our laughter was cut short by the approaching sound of footsteps. A lady maybe in her mid twenties with auburn hair and brown eyes meekly approached our cell and slid two aluminum bowls filled with some gooey stuff.

"The Beta said this is your dinner. I will be back in 10 minutes to collect the plates. Enjoy.", she said and hurriedly ran back to wherever she came from.
Hold up did she just say 'enjoy'?
Alexia and I shared a look of total disgust at what is before us.

"Okay you have to be kidding me right?", Alexia asked to no one in particular. While I just stared at the plates dumbstruck.

"Well I am so not eating this, night, Lexi.", I say snuggling more into her soft belly while laying on my tummy.

"Night night Doozie", she replies, trying to find a very comfortable spot to lean on on the wall without hurting her  battered back. I hate it when she calls me that. She massages my scalp while I slowly drift off to sleep hoping we live upon the arrival of the Alphas.


A/N:  I'm so sorry for the late update, my exams are up and I don't have much time to update. Thank you so much to everyone who has been with me and has been patient with me. I really appreciate it. Thank you to those that voted, I really appreciate it.

Please don't forget to follow me, vote and comment your opinions on this chapter.

Oh and please read 'Behind The Scenes' by Amandaaa0.


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