Chapter 3

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Alexia's POV

I jerk awake due to the cold water poured on my body. I angrily look up only to find the useless Beta standing there smirking with a tin bucket in his hand. I try to lunge at him only to be restrained by chains. I struggle a bit with the chains until I remembered that I haven't seen Aldonza. I avert my gaze from the useless mutt to my sister trying to catch her breath in the corner to my left.

You okay sis?

Yeah I'm good, just have to get some water out of my nose. After she says that she starts pushing out water from her nose therefore creating noise.

Okay I'm good now, what about you?

I'm good, just trying to restrain myself from killing this bastard.


"Are you bitches even listening to me!?" This dude really wants to die.

"Well as a matter of fact we aren't"

You go girl

"Do you want round two of yesterday bitch?" Alexia visibly pales due to the threat. Honestly I would've given a snarky reply but I really don't want this dude to kill my sister and I so I stay shut.

"Good" he says with that his signature smirk. I just wish I was able to burn these useless chains off and beat the shit outta this fool.

"As I was saying, the Alphas are returning in one hour, I'm going to have mercy on you whores and not give you a punishment for your loose tongues", oh please this man whore should give me a break, I'm not the one reeking of doggy slut.

I avert my gaze from the pup before me to my sister and what I see leaves me stunned, she is TERRIFIED and I don't mean the normal terrified I mean sweating profusely, crying and shaking like a leaf during autumn terrified.

Aldonza cool down!!

How can I when we are a few hours from our deaths?!

And you think I don't know that?!
In fact I'm just as scared as you are but you are giving the bastard satisfaction on how the news affects you

After my long-ass speech (don't judge, to me it's long cause I hardly give lectures)  she finally stops with the crying and shaking then puts a mask to conceal her emotions. The Beta notices our change in demeanour.

"No food for you both till you die, that way your souls shall not rest in peace knowing you disrespected the Beta of The Silver Crest pack" we both remain silent as he talks his rubbish. When he finished his babbling he left our cell to prepare for the arrival of his Alphas.

Five minutes later Marcel or Marcus, which ever his name is comes into our cell and locks us all in.

'Eh?' we say in unison. What does this dude want to do now?

He unbuckles his belt while giving us a sickening grin.
Doozie and I try to scooch away from him but of course there has to be a wall and for the first time in years I am scared and that's saying alot since I hardly get scared.

He doesn't take off his trousers which confuses me even more. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be raped, not in a million years but if someone feels like raping don't they just go stark naked or something?

Back to the matter at hand, he slowly approaches me with the belt in his hand and suddenly lashes me on my arm.
It takes me by surprise therefore making me suppress my scream but release a whimper.
He whips me mercilessly while Doozie is in a corner trying to break the chains to help me but because she is starved, all she can do is struggle and cry. A few tears escape my eyes, you know what? scratch that, I was crying hysterically, that thing hurt like a bitch and the belt buckle is made of silver so with my body weak and all I'm in serious pain right now. For what felt like hours but was probably 20 minutes he felt satisfied with what he has done leaving me in a panting and sobbing mess. He dropped the belt then starts sending kicks, punches, slaps and all other things on my body. I hear a sickening crack from my ribs and start to feel like I can't breathe.

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