Put My Headphones In, Close My Eyes

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Barry was feeling good. His team had just won another basketball game and he scored the winning goal. He opened his locker and glanced at the pictures on the inside. One was of him and Iris, his girlfriend. The other one was of his parents and him. It was taken last year. He loved the way his mom smiled at his dad. "Great game, man" Oliver patted him friendly on his shoulder. Their lockers were next to each other. "Thanks, dude" Barry grabbed his history books. It was his least favorite subject. He and Oliver walked to class. They sat together with almost every subject. In the corner and in the back. Everyone knew it was their spot. No one dared to sit there. Oliver leaned against the wall with his chair. He was bored. In the middle of class the principal walked in with a girl. "Sorry to interrupt. I am here to introduce a new student" the woman said as she spoke directly to the class. No one actually cared. "Why don't you introduce yourself and sit over there" Mr. Brown said as the principal left the room. "I'm Caitlin" the girl said shyly. After a moment of silence Mr Brown pointed to the empty chair in front of Oliver. She stared at the ground as she quickly walked over there. Mr Brown continued his lesson about the Second World War. Oliver sighed. He was the bad boy of the school. He never followed the rules and skipped lots of his classes. He rolled his eyes at Barry as he decided to annoy the new girl. She was too shy to speak up for herself. Then the bell rang. "Wanna get outta here?" Oliver asked as he picked up his bag. "Sure but I'm gonna blame you if my parents ground me again" Barry smirked.

It was Tuesday. Barry walked towards Oliver. "You got into trouble yesterday?"

Barry shook his head as he opened his locker. "I just got a lecture about what I was doing wrong in life. I get that almost daily, it's fine" He said it like it was nothing, but deep down he wanted his parents to be proud of him. As he closed his locker he noticed the girl, Caitlin, on the other side of the hallway. She wasn't surrounded by other people. "I have to get to the field. Mr Steveston doesn't like to be kept waiting. You're coming to the game on Saturday, right?" Oliver said. "Uh, yeah, of course" Barry nodded. Oliver patted his shoulder and walked away. Barry took a deep breath and took a step in the direction of Caitlin. Before he got there, someone hugged him and laughed. "I'm so proud of you" Iris smiled. Barry turned to her and smiled back. "Thanks" he mumbled. "Something bothering you?" she asked as she noticed he wasn't giving her the usual attention. "Hm? No, what?" Barry murmured. When he looked up at her he noticed how her eyes were glinstering. "What?" he asked confused. "Nothing, I'm just really excited for tonight" she whispered as they started walking towards their class. Barry frowned when he thought about the way she said it.

Lunch period had started, but Barry wasn't hungry. Iris was sitting opposite of him, ranting about something that had happened to her, but Barry wasn't paying attention. His thoughts wandered off. He thought about everything, his parents, how they were super mad last night, his future, and even Iris. He felt like he had everything, yet he had nothing. Then he noticed Caitlin. She was sitting alone, outside, even though winter was coming soon and it was already cold. "I'll be right back, okay?" Barry interrupted Iris, stood up and walked away. Iris sighed annoyed, but then turned to her friends to continue whatever she was talking about. Felicity, Laurel and Kara seemed interested enough.

Barry shivered as he stepped into the cold. "You know, it's kinda cold to eat lunch here"

Caitlin looked up but didn't reply. "Or sitting here, not eating lunch. You do know in the United States we eat lunch around one" Barry sat down in front of her. "I'd like to be alone" Caitlin responded softly and returned her focus back to the book in her hand.

"That a good book?" Barry tried a moment later. She didn't want to give him attention. He smiled to himself. Everyone in this school gave him plenty attention and he loved it. He loved that everyone liked him. That everyone wanted to be friends with him. He also liked a challenge. She was a challenge. She didn't like his popularity or his looks. She was different than the rest. Instead of giving him attention, she put her headphones in and closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them she continued reading. For a second he was wondering what she was thinking about. His smile didn't fade when he stood up and went back inside, to his table, where he sat down next to Oliver. Iris immediately started talking to him again. He glanced one more time at Caitlin, but then let it go, for now...

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