Tampered Memory

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               Tom's P.O.V.:-

        Day before yesterday, on New Year's eve, I, along with my fellow deatheaters, celebrated my birthday. The day my weak mother left me in an orphanage for good, by choosing death over me. But Aria knows about this. According to her, my mother, Merope Gaunt, had shown her true love for me, by bringing me to this world, by giving me life, rather than choosing her own survival. I till now, do not  get it how she manages to see the optimism in every single thing. It makes me sometimes wonder, what good deeds I had ever done in life, so as to get a girl like Aria Bellona Bellonaria Artemis Gryffindor Ravenclaw Potter Mikaelson Petrova. She knew me so well, at my birthday she sent me a cake which she baked herself, and a foe glass, which was charmed in such a way that we could see our beloved ones in that and know even when they are in danger............Something thoughtful..............

                Aria's P.O.V.:-

        I feel good, really good. I am returning to Hogwarts. I am currently wearing a pair of grey jeans, with red faux leather jacket, and a black skull tee-shirt.  I don't wanna mess up anything. At least not now. I looked at my set of stones again - the seven stones I require for the ritual. Now all I needed to do was make the rudimentary body potion and collect and store some of my blood. But I need to be careful, and I need to have an important talk with Dumbledore. I need to discuss how he has to relieve me from the mission that he gave me last year, I need to tell Tom, because even though I love him, I feel am cheating him by some way or the other.......


        I was playing the piano, playing the song My Love by the muggle band Sia. I was thoroughly enjoying the melodious tunes, when I heard the door creak open. But I so avoided the person, even though I knew, that he was there.

                Tom's P.O.V.:-

        God knows how long this woman will take for coming to decided our patrol routine. From what I have heard, she's returned from her holidays. But she hasn't met me yet. Yet. And I need to find her, I am missing her. I, the Lord Voldemort, am missing her. I never had feelings for a woman before. For me, having feeling, emotions was a waste of time and energy. But this girl, unknowingly, managed to melt my heart of ice. I feel for this girl, get hurt whenever she does. It's like I am connected to her in some unknown manner. But I don't care much about that. For now all I care is finding her.
        I walked through the corridors, and even went all the way up to the seventh floor, when I heard someone playing the piano. It sounded very romantic to me. I entered the room, sneakily, and closed the door quietly listening to her play the piano. The music was rather slow and soft yet had its's own impact.I closed my eyes and started enjoying it, as I thought over about us. Me and her. Me, I a true Slytherin, sly and sneaky, cunning, ambitious and cocky person, highly manipulative. She on the other hand was rather fiery, feisty, brave, courageous, chivalrous, badass, kickass, witty, wise, unique, creative, smartass, yet sly, sneaky, manipulative like me. A different type of girl. Not a girly girl, but not a total tomboy either. I am the Heir of Slytherin, while she is the Heiress of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Both her and I were powerful, compatible for each other. Soon the music stopped making me open my eyes.

        "So it is an instrumental?" I asked her. 
        "No"she said as she shook her head,"not at all".
        "Then why don't you sing if there are any words along with it?"She simply smiles at me and begins playing again but singing along with the music this time. I went and touched her thighs, as she stiffened. Well for one am glad that I intimidate her. Damn............he voice is so beautiful, just like her, it's as if the angel are singing. Man, I need to know what I have ever done to get a beauty like her as my girlfriend.

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