💖Chapter 5:💖

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Walkin' the streets with you and your worn out jeans

I can't help thinkin' this is how it ought to be

Laughin' on a park bench, thinkin' to myself

Hey isn't this, easy

Today was a Sunday. Annabeth's parents were out at work, so she had to make breakfast all alone. She made a sandwich with nutella, as she did not want to risk her kitchen from catching fire. This sandwich did not need fire or the toaster. She had to take some slices of bread and then cut it's edges. She would later take two spoons of nutella and spread it over one of the bread slices. She would later top it up with another bread slice. This way she made 3 sandwiches. 

She sat on the kitchen slab and took the bite of Nutella sandwich, savouring it with every bite. This was simple, yet tasty. After eating 3 huge bread sandwiches, she cleaned the kitchen and walked back to her room.

Her room was her favourite place. She could spend an entire day in the bedroom, without getting bored. It had light grey walls, with pictures of Owls, her parents, her friends and Percy. It was cute and elegant. In the middle of the room, she had a bed, with white covers. She had a huge cupboard for books. What could she do? She loved reading! She sat on her bed, to start reading 'Circe'. She was around halfway through it when she got up to stretch. She bent her neck and stretched her hands. She could bet that she was looking like a cat. After stretching for a while, she walked over to her window. She could see that the weather was really good, despite being 11 in the morning. And so she decided to sit out and read.

She grabbed her book and walked towards her front door. She was wearing dark blue jeans and a  grey sweatshirt. She grabbed her keys and closed the door with a thud. As soon as she walked outside, a cold breeze hit her in the face. She could feel her mood lighten up. She loved this weather, sunny yet cold at the same time. She took a deep breath of the fresh air and started walking towards the seat opposite to her house. After walking 3-4 steps, she twirled a little. This kind of weather helped her to think and enjoy more. She could feel the smile refusing to leave her face, not like she wanted it to. She crossed the road and sat on the brown, iron chair, meant for two people. She then opened her book and started reading it.

She was so engrossed in reading the book, that she did not realise her neighbour walking towards her, smiling with fondness. He slowly walked up to her and whispered, "Hello Wise Girl!". She was shocked, but she relaxed. Her frown, which had developed while reading the book, released and she broke out to a grin.

"Hey Seaweed Brain" she greeted. As much as she wanted to greet him with an eye roll, she could not help herself from grinning. He grinned ear to ear and sat on the seat next to her. He was wearing Navy blue shirt and light worn out jeans. His hair was messy as usual and his eyes were shining brightly. She had not seen such bright eyes for a long time. Thanks to Drew. Though she did not want to admit it, she knew that she missed those dreamy sea-green eyes. She wanted to talk with him, but decided against it. She wanted to have fun with him, so she went back to read the book, ignoring him.

"Awww Wise Girl! Come on, I am here!!" He pouted. No matter how hard she tried she could not resist that voice. She rolled her eyes and kept her book aside, turning towards him.

"Okay! What do you want? Percy" She asked, acting as if she wanted to go and read.

" I want to talk to you obviously!" He said, in a matter-of-factly tone.

"Okay so, how are your swim trials going on?" Annabeth asked. His eyes lit up like a child.

"Yeah, so I have my swim meet next Sunday. I am inviting you to come." He said. Annabeth was very excited. She could feel fireworks burst in her stomach, but she showed disinterest in her face. Seeing this Percy, "Aww come on, Annabeth! It will be fun!!" He said, giving his baby seal eyes.

Annabeth could not resist this. "Okay" she said. Percy did a happy dance, which made her heart skip a beat.

"Ohh!! By the way, how is your architecture club going on?" He asked.

She started rambling about the things she had learnt, and how her team came first and many more. She stopped talking when she felt Percy staring at her. He removed a strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Annabeth could feel her face heat up. She turned away to avoid the awkwardness.

"Sorry to ramble," Annabeth said, ashamed.

"No Problem. You look pretty when you ramble" He said, chuckling.

All these good moments came to an end, when the devil herself parked her car in front of us and honked.

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