💖Chapter 6💖

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And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town

I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down

You say you're fine, I know you better than that

Hey, what you doin' with a girl like that?

Annabeth could feel her happiness draining. She was having an amazing time with Percy after a very long time. But this bitch had to ruin that. She could see Percy shift uncomfortably. She knew he did not like her! Then why was he with that beauty bitch? Annabeth thought. Drew gave Percy a sickly sweet smile and Percy returned it. But his eyes showed disappointment. Annabeth really started to doubt Percy's love for Drew. If he loved her, why would he be disappointed. She internally hoped that Percy ditched that bitch and loved her. But she also knew that this would be her fairy tale.

After a few awkward minutes, Percy turned towards Annabeth.

"Uhh, I had a date with Drew" He started, awkwardly, " So I would have to go?". His statement was more like a question than an answer.

"Baby!!! Come on... You don't want to be late for our date right?" Drew purred, focusing more on the word 'our'.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. Drew could get anyone with her hourglass figure and sickly sweet voice. But the good thing was that Annabeth never fell for it. She could see through Drew like a glass, but the other boys and even girls, don't. Which is why Drew manages to get a boyfriend, soon after she breaks up with her ex. Annabeth hated breaking other's hearts. She hated betrayal, the books she read were enough to tell her that the feeling of betrayal was the worst. She never wanted to be the reason for that. And that is why Annabeth was loyal to everyone she talked to. And as far as she knew, Percy was the same.

Annabeth smiled sweetly at Percy. "Oh go ahead, hope you enjoy your time" She waved. She saw Drew glaring at her. Annabeth replied it with a sarcastic sweet smile. This made Drew fume and Annabeth enjoyed it. Percy awkwardly stepped into her car's shotgun. Percy's nervousness clearly showed that he did not like Drew. He was very uncomfortable with her. Though Drew never realised it, Annabeth did. She knew Percy for as long as she could remember. She could understand Percy very clearly. She did not need to talk to him to find out what was wrong with him. For Annabeth, Percy was like an open book. She could find out Percy's mental state by just looking into his eyes. Not only could Annabeth understand Percy, Percy could understand Annabeth more than any one. They both knew each other more than they knew themselves.

Percy looked at Annabeth and nervously waved his hand at her, telling bye. Annabeth waved back, showing her teeth. Seeing this Drew pulled Percy towards her and kissed him. Now, you could see that Percy was very uncomfortable. First, he shifted about his seat. Secondly, he did not kiss her back. And Lastly, he moved back in shock. These reasons could tell Annabeth that Percy did not love Drew, one bit too. Seeing Drew forcefully kiss Percy, she could find the green-eyed jealousy grow in her. Along with it, she was angry. She looked away so that she wouldn't gag or do something that Percy wouldn't appreciate.

Now she was sure why Percy changed. He changed because of Drew. Though Percy always denied it, he was not happy with Drew. That was the sweet truth, at least for Annabeth. She was happy to know that she stood a chance with Percy. His bright, lop-sided grin was contagious. But after hanging out with Drew, he did not smile that much. Annabeth truly missed the old Percy and secretly hoped that they would break up.

She sighed and grabbed her book, heading towards her house. Today's day was the best as well as the worst day of the month, or that is what she thought.


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