Difference between Curse and Bad luck

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Warning: ANGST!!

A/N: This chapter is dark but PLEASE give it a chance.

I trudged through the freezing cold knee deep snow on my home from school, my winter boots had gotten caked with snow and were pretty much filled with it to, which only added to the numbness of my feet and probably frostbite with my luck. My coat had been covered in snow hours prior which ment that staying warm was impossible.
Living on the far outskirts of DC was, in my opinion the worst in the winter, yes, it was nice in the summer, but living closer to the city was overall better.

I was violently pulled out of my thoughts when my foot slipped and I fell butt first in  the snow, so not only am I frozen my leggings are soaked as well, ice is so useless why does it exist. Sitting up I brushed myself off and looked around at my surroundings.

The road which I was currently sitting alongside, that went past my house and trees.

I sit looking around for a minute and then stood up.

As I turned to continue my trek home I spotted a deer, I froze, it was a buck with a monstrous rack thirty points by the looks of it. It's all white coat was pure and seemed to it give an ethereal glow, frost covered it completely but its eyes were voids that felt like they could stare into your soul. The buck was tall with long thin legs that gave him a regal appearance.

I stood there frozen with knowing that if the buck saw me as a threat I would surely be charged.
But the buck did nothing he just stood there watching me, unaffected beside the fact I that I drew his attention.

Then the buck took a few steps towards me and lowered his head close enough I could touch it, without thinking I wretched up and placed my hand on its head, oh my goodness I just touched it.

"What are you?" I thought aloud

My vision then cut to black and then a image faded into view.

I had just gotten home from school and the house was silent, not even the usual bark from Queen my black chow.
"Mom....Mom..............Moooooom I'm home?" I called.
No answer. I set my backpack and books down on the table, the air around me seemed to carry a heaviness about it.
I began worrying as I frantically scanned the household.
I had reached the hallway leading to the kitchen, there was something on the floor coming from the kitchen. I ran down the hallway and stopped.


I quickly withdrew my hand from the bucks head, and backed up shaking my head.

The buck stepped back and snow began to falling, he looked then disappeared.

I ran, and I'm sure lightning would be jealous, within twenty minutes I was home, I fumbled with my keys but managed to unlock the door.

Silence was all that found my ears, I rushed to the hallway and looked down it.

I reached the hallway leading to the kitchen, there was something on the floor coming from the kitchen. I froze, something red,

I walked down the hallway cautiously and stopped before I got in the kitchen.




Evident on the floor in front of me was blood, my Mom's. I ran in the kitchen and to my Mom's side then fell to my knees sobbing, I screamed until my throat was raw and my shouts were barely whispers.

The air surrounding became cold, and snow fell from the ceiling and ice formed on everything. Forever frozen in the terrible scene caused by anger and hate.

What do I do if every time I turn I'm reminded.

I have to run Mom, I'm sorry for everything

I slowly stood shaking and left everything behind.

I ran until I collapsed somewhere in DC, on the porch of a brown house. I had no idea where I was, what I would do with no one to go to for help. Shock set in and my eyelids grew heavy and I dozed off, not knowing if I would wake.

(a/n the OC looks like Millie Bobby Brown and I intend to make this a series sorry for the heaviness of the first chapter but this is as dark as it gets so please bear with me)

Curse: Jynix (Peter Maximoff x oc) Fanfic (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now