What Now

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I woke up hesitating to open my eyes, my head was fuzzy and I laid completely still taking in the feel of a real bed. Was it just a nightmare?
I finally found the courage to open my eyes, I took in my surroundings, it was real, why did it have to be real?
The room was dimly lit by the light of a window right of the bed. It was medium sized with little furniture. With the full-size bed I was in presently, a small white nightstand to the left. There was a clock on the nightstand and lamp, it had a hazel base with a white shade with red tassels. The walls of the room were plain mustard yellow with white woodwork and the floor had green shag carpet with a purple area rug.

Is it night? how did I get here? How long did I sleep? Ok, slow down. Now, what happened last? That boy, what was his name.... Peter? Ya, Peter. He's a mutant but his mutation is still unknown. What happened after that? Oh.....he ask me how I got here. Mom's not dead, I mean she can't be. Red the st- No, Mom's not dead.

A tear ran down face. I stopped myself before I went in to a breakdown.

I sat up in the bed and turned to the clock. It was midnight, So I laid down in hopes of sleeping which flew out the window after an hour of nothing. I tossed and turned finally giving up. I threw back the the blankets with a sigh, and sat back up. I was still in my Pink Floyd tee with my leggings.

I scanned the room and spotted the clothes Miss Maximoff gave me on the floor beside the bed, I think that's what her name was...yes. I climbed out of the bed and picked up the clothes. It was a everyday outfit and a pair of pajamas. The pajamas were a pair of shorts(red) and a tank top(red). No wonder Peter asked why, that girl...Wendy, always wears red, I took off my leggings and replaced them with the shorts. The rest of the clothes I placed on the nightstand along with my leggings.

Then I went to the door and opened it slightly to see a empty hallway which led to the living room(by my assumption). Slowly opening the door I glanced back and forth down the hallway, I quietly sneaked to the living room but I was apparently not as quiet as I thought. Seriously, outer space would be a concert in comparison.
I crossed the living room and turned the corner and entered the kitchen and jumped when I saw Peter sitting at the table. He was wearing the same clothes as earlier.
He had headphones on and was quietly humming, tapping his fingers in beat to the music, oblivious of my presence. I recognized the beat, Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon, Us and Them! That's one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs!

I stood there for a minute. Then turned to return to the room I woke up in.


I spun, eyes wide and just barely keeping in a scream. GEEZ, WHAT THE HECK! Peter was now standing in front of me. I instantly scrambled back tripping over my own feet and falling on my butt.
"Whoa, I didn't mean to scare you" Peter apologized and held out a hand to help me up. I wearily looked at him, Was that intentional? He sounds sincere but.....

"No?...Okay" he said, trying to break the awkward silence surrounding us. He withdrew his hand. I still was sitting on the floor.

"Wow?" I ask in a small voice.

"I said 'wow' because your quiet" Peter replied guessing the question.

Should I trust him.....

"So what are you doing?" he ask casually, "I...couldn't......... sleep" I said, I finally stood but couldn't help being visibly nervous.
"Okay" Peter answered.

Then the 'sweet sweet' sound of awkward silence.

"Well what do you wanna do, Boardgames? Tour? Movies? he asked, Maybe a movie. " Can we watch a movie?" I asked him, my voice small.
"Sure, follow me" he answered and walked off hurriedly.
I followed Peter to the living room and over to a wooden shelf that was filled with movies. He knelt down beside it, "Let's see what we've got" he thought aloud.
I sit down next to the shelf and mentally read some of the names, The Exorcist, Friday the 13th, Possession. The Exorcist sounds interesting. "What's this about?" I asked Peter, who seemed deep in thought looking through movies.
His head snapped in my direction.


I tapped The Exorcist,"What's that?" I repeated.

"Oh, it's a horror movie" Peter replied.

My eyes widened, I immediately flinched my finger back.

"What?" Peter ask.


I didn't respond.





Red blood,

Mom's blood,

No,No, she's not dead.





"Jynix?" Peter's voice was barely audible.

Mom's not dead,



I snapped out of my trance and faced Peter who looked concerned. I didn't want him to see me cry. I stood and quickly ran to my room leaving Peter, who would now have more questions.

I reached the room and closing the door behind me, I collapsed on the bed burying myself deep under the covers. I felt like the dark surrounding me, empty, cold, there was no light.
Letting the tears fall silently down my face, not a single noise dare disturb the thick layer of black.

But then I heard a knock on the door and it open.

"Jynix?" Peter ask clearly puzzled. I buried further under the covers. Answering was the last thing I wanted to do. Curling up and becoming a hermit...... that sounded nice.

"How did you get here?" Peter asked.

I froze, a minute of silence falling, I slowly pulled the blanket away from my face then sat up. Peter stood in doorway.

"And why here?"

The last tear fell.

"I ran"

And whoever murdered Mom will regret.

(A/N I hope you like this I am trying to improve my writing and I also edited the previous chapters so and I will probably edit this one too. Sorry for any typos)

Curse: Jynix (Peter Maximoff x oc) Fanfic (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now