Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night of the Quinkan

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So, this is a direct port of my review I posted on Steam, I decided to be lazy, I don't want to rewrite my review lol.

So after years and years of wanting this game, I finally got it, as a kid I played Ty 1 and 2 a lot, sunk likely upwards of a hundred hours into each. Coming into this game I had mixed expectations, and I'm glad I did, although I do recommend this game to play, I would much more recommend Ty 1 and 2 over this one, it's short (I completed my first playthrough in 8 hours 4 minutes, 91% completion), where in both Ty 1 and 2 it would usually take upwards of double that.

So, my thoughts on the game itself.

-More Ty gameplay.
-Nostalgia trip.
-Fairly fun.
-Classic Ty music.

-The gameplay feels rather janky (I know it's an old game but this is a remaster)
-Graphics look terrible, the graphics of the first two Ty games looked mediocre at best due to how old they are but this feels horrid (I played with high graphics settings too). Many of the characters looked far more jagged than they should, many didn't have moving mouths, and some of the terrain looked out of place and in some places actually incomplete (I literally saw a ship that only had graphics on part of it, kinda dumb in my opinion.) and other silly things.
-Lacking and dull story. Now, don't get me wrong, the game is old and the first two didn't have the best in the way of story, but even so this felt like it was sorely lacking and felt like a rushed ending.
-Clunky combat. So, unlike the first two Ty games where main attacks included rang throwing and bite attacks, this game attempted to add melee combat that felt rather repetitive and very janky, often missing, doing moves you don't want it to and slowing down the bite attack for whatever reason.
-The rang system. So, for whatever reason this game decided to change from the acquire rang, use rang to acquire rang, get stones, input stones, use rang. The menuing on the rangs felt horrible and stopped me in my tracks more than once, the stone system felt strange and kinda dumb when there are rangs of all kinds already established in the game and all these stones did was replace them badly.
-For the sake of it I'll just mention other things. The crab vehicle is rather unwieldy, the maps are small as are the world maps, the dialogue feels childish even for the age of the game, there are many areas where things are unclear and it's easy to unintentionally backtrack or go the wrong way.
-The final boss is complete bs, it's unpredictable and unclear what to do, how people beat it on hardcore I don't know.
-The hell is that annoying flip over enemies?! I died multiple times cause of that!
-What happened to all the characters! Where are they?!

I could go on but I don't want to, I feel bad talking so badly of a game I so desperately want to love, although in saying that, it's the stepping stone between two awesome 3d exploration, puzzle games and that game I don't want to even look at ...

All in all I'd rate this at best a 5/10 ...I want to love this game ... But I simply can't ...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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