A Display Of Jealousy

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He knew more about Marinette than Adrien did, and Adrien's known her much longer. She must have turned the corner and walked back down the street and headed in the opposite direction. 

Just as he thought, he found her on a bench with her knees to her chest. Her faced was guarded and he could see the unevenness of her breathing. Felix felt a slight ping of guilt in his chest, but not enough to actually care about whether or not she forgave his cousin. What he really wanted was for her to forgive him for being such a dumbass most of the time. He didn't know why, but he couldn't bring himself to be mean like he usually would.

"Ahoy there." He strutted over and took a seat. "You seemed delighted back there. I'm sure that whole section of Paris heard you talk shit." He laughed a bit. When he didn't get a response he continued. "You didn't have to give me such a warm welcome. If it makes you feel better, I like an honest welcome rather than a forced one." He flicked her arm.

"Go away Fel-shit." She stood up and walked away. "Don't you dare touch me."

He rolled his eyes again to hide the fact how much he wanted to beg her for forgiveness. "Fine, but just forgive Adrien, I'm sure he's already forgiven you. He won't get any sleep if he thinks you hate his guts." He frowned deeply. "I don't know if you've ever met cranky Adrien, but trust me, it's not nice." He waved goodbye and headed back to the dorm.

He hoped that would bring her spirits up just enough to be nice to him.

. . . 

She returned a while later and ran straight into her room. Felix wanted to give her space and let her be. He had a feeling that he couldn't jump on her too early for he'd be suspicious. He waited until almost everyone had walked into her room to join in. They were talking about what may happen now that Cat Noir knew she likes Adrien.

"Yeah dudette, the lady's got a point. " He pushed up his glasses. "What's the worst he could do?"

"Well, he could tell Adrien that she likes him." Felix joined in. "But isn't that what you need in order to finally make that next step?" He walked into the room and sat down next to her again. He reached out to pat her head when she grabbed his wrist and squeezed it. All he wanted to do was comfort her, but she wasn't having it.

"I told you not to fucking touch me." She snapped. "Why are you even here? Get out now." She roughly threw back his arm and slumped down again. "I'm so done."

He felt Alya and Nino stare daggers into his back as he moved away. They probably wanted to mean when Marinette said she had already told him not to touch her.

A sudden tap came from the window. It was a sharp clank. A couple more clicks followed until it was a steady flow. "Marinette!" They heard from down below. "Open the window!"

Felix walked over to the window and opened it. Cat Noir looked up with a pleading face. "Calm down Romeo, we're having a mental crisis in here, come back later." He shut the window harshly and walked out of the room. "Good luck." Was all he said. He knew why Cat Noir was there. This would mean he was already one upped and Marinette probably wouldn't thank him for anything... Not that he wanted her to or anything.

An idea popped into his head. The best way into someone's life was food right? He would cook food for everyone and they would forgive him. It was genius. He was going to make pasta with butter and some sauce on the side.

"Marinette! Alya! Nino" Felix called from the other room. "If you don't get your asses in the kitchen now, you can cook your own food!" As he said this, he dropped the cover for the sauce pot which was hot and caused him to yelp.

"What about Adrien!" Alya called back to him. "He hasn't come back yet! Marinette, he said he was going after you, did you see him?" 

"No, I didn't. Only Cat Noir and-"

"Well forget him!" Felix ran to her room and interrupted her with a nervous face. He stared at her with a don't-you-dare look expression. "I'll just make enough food for the four of us." A noticeable blush spread on his face. He still had to be mean and not show his soft spot for Marinette.

Marinette laughed at him. "Like you know how to cook."

At this comment, Cat Noir laughed. His quiet laugh turned into wheezing and then into desperate gasps for breaths. Adrien knew that Felix was a terrible cook and hadn't cooked a day in his life. If he was trying to cook for them, it was most likely to make up for the fact that he ruined their plans. He was somewhat right.

Marinette got a free pass. "Why are you laughing you little shit face?" Felix got up in the hero's face and waved a spatula around. "You don't know who I am or my cooking so fuck off." He rolled his eyes and walked towards the kitchen.

Alya and Nino were giggling on the Alya's bed and whispering secrets. They knew that whatever was going on between the clumsy teen, the forever angry blonde potato and the leather clad cat-boy was not going to end well.

"Actually," Marinette smirked at Felix's back, "if Cat Noir is up to it, maybe he could stay and wait for you to finish cooking so that he could taste-test for the rest of us, just in case." She laughed at the thought of what face her friend would make after tasting the probably nasty food. This made Felix look back. If it's what she wanted, he would do it. Although he was offended that she didn't believe in him.

Nino joined the conversation. "I would like to see that... I'm just worried about where Adrien is."

They continued to talk about Adrien's whereabout getting more worried when they realized the time. Cat Noir had decided to excused himself, claiming he has stayed for too long. He had no problem gushing over Marinette though, Felix thought.

"Alright then... You heard Felix? Cat Noir, hero of Paris, will not eat your food because the thought of it is too frightening." She laughed.

"Haha," Felix said with a stale tone and stomped back to the kitchen. "Later sucker." He quickly glanced at Cat Noir and scowled. It was all that stupid cat's fault. A new hatred fueled Felix as he went back to the kitchen.

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