A Display Of Confidence

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The sobbing girl turned her attention to whoever had called her name. It was a seemingly high, snotty tone that was used. Almost immediately she processed who it could be. Chloe? She was the only one who used that nickname but was in New York City right now with her mother. Rose? Had a high voice but Marinette had watched her get on a plane for Spain just the other day. Perhaps she would be better off not responding.

A deeper voice called this time. "Marinette?" A man. "I hope that's you and I'm not just screaming your name like a crazy person. What'd you think of my Chloe impression? Pretty good huh?" A sarcastic and overly rude tone. Felix.

Quickly standing up in order to achieve a presentable appearance, she rubbed her eyes and fixed the hem of her shirt. "Please let me be Felix." She took a deep breath and reminded herself of what she had just learned. Felix was not a bitch anymore. "I'm not really in the mood for dealing with your sarcasm." She walked deeper into the alley and made sure the blonde wasn't peeping from around the corner. "I look like a mess."

"I won't be sarcastic with you I swear." He pleaded. "And I'm sure you're a beautiful mess!" He attempted to cover the compliment with sarcasm out of habit.

"Felix what did I literally just-"

The desperate boy appeared from around the corner with speed that would probably give babies whiplash. "I'm sorry it's just that..." He paused when he saw the girl with puffy red eyes and untamed hair. She looked like she was in so much pain. "Marinette..." Was all he could whisper before taking five long strides in order to close the distance between them. He couldn't help himself anymore and grabbed the ravenette. "Why?"

Marinette secretly wanted to collapse in Felix's arms. She was too tired to stand on her own and his question only reminded her of Adrien's rejection. She felt the strength in her knees buckle away as Felix slowly lowered her to her knees, the both of them resting on the dirty sidewalk beneath. "Let go please." She managed to get out. Her throat felt like it was closing and she couldn't bear anyone seeing her in such a weak and vulnerable state.

Felix figured she just mean't she didn't like how closer they were and held her at an arms distance with a slight blush. "I'm sorry Marinette." He avoided eye contact as he continued. "Mari..."

She looked up at him with more tears in her eyes.

"Do you not not want me to call you that?" Felix stumbled over his words.

Her eyes shifted down to the floor and she avoided any contact. "Adrien used to call me that." She used the back of her hand to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Adrien? What does he-" It hit him. Adrien had probably gotten so emotional that he wanted to prove that he wouldn't lead her around anymore and told her the truth. Knowing Adrien, the rejection probably didn't effect him as much as it did the poor girl. "Are you gonna be okay? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"More like do you wanna listen." Marinette scoffed, followed by a loud sniff. "Let me guess, you want some gossip to spread in order to get back at how awful we've been treating you." She stated.

Felix could play this game. "So you knew you were being childish?" He noticed that she understood his point and continued. "Can't I want to just be a good friend and be there for you? Even if it's just once?" 

She pondered for a second before sighing. "I suppose so." She leaned back on the brick wall behind them and hugged her knees. "I've known for a while, but I didn't want to accept it."

"No one wants to believe that the person they like doesn't like them back." He agreed.

"I know he didn't mean to hurt me... Maybe I'm being dramatic." Marinette buried her face deeper between her knees. "Am I?"

Felix just shrugged. "I don't think so." He sighed. "There's really no way to tell..." He trailed.

When he didn't get a response, he attempted small talk. The conversation wouldn't get anywhere if they sat there in silence.

"Looks like its starting to rain!" Felix laughed while looking up to the sky, embracing the droplets that fell onto his face. "Looks like it's going to pour now, should we head back to the dorms?" He asked. "Hey, what kind of bow can't be tied?" He rambled on and on waiting for Marinette to answer him.

Sometime before he started joking around, she turned to look at his face. Looking into his eyes, she felt like the world had been lost. Not even the ever stronger rain could tear her attention away from him. The way his grey-green eyes seemed to blend with the scenery, with only his bright hair separating him from it. The slight crease between his eyebrows as he searched her face for an answer as to why she remained silent. The slight pout in his lips as he tried more jokes in order to gain back her attention, which he didn't know he'd already caught. His surprisingly warm hand that carefully tucked the wet strands of hair from her face to behind her ears. She remembered the hug he had embraced her in when he first saw her. And she knew he genuinely meant it. These same actions had been done by Adrien countless times before, but she would always find herself wondering if he actually meant it instead of leaning into the touch. With Felix, she wanted these moments to last until the end of time.

"Earth to Marinette." Felix whispered while placed a hand on Marinette's forehead and waited for any response.

"I love you." She whispered back. In the silence, she moved Felix's hand out of the way and placed her forehead on his. Only inches apart she whispered again. "I think I love you."

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