A Display Of Unfairness

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Marinette stomped out of the room in annoyance. "How come Adrien gets to do the original assignment?" The question was rhetorical since she already knew the answer but Felix took it as an opportunity to help her out.

"Because he's Adrien Agreste, Marinette. His career already started so they can't really say anything to him." He said this in the softest and kindest voice he could use. Felix walked to Marinette's side and waited for a reaction. Any sort of reaction. But she just ignored his response and continued the conversation. His heart sank and disappointment seeped through him. 

She walked faster and moved closer to Adrien in hopes to tell Felix that she could care less. "Did you get any other beginning assignments from your other classes Adrien?" She said with a small blush. Adrien looked down at her and shook his head silently. He didn't really like the way she was treating his cousin, but he didn't know how to deal with it. He just smiled and let it be.

This made Felix's chest heat up again. There was something about the way she looked at his cousin that made him angry. He wanted her to look at him like that and decided that he would get her to no matter what. "I'm here too." He whined with a face he didn't even know he could make. 

 She stopped walking and held onto her bag with white knuckles. "Yes, but Adrien hasn't been a total bitch in the past." She ran ahead. 

Felix wanted to believe she didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but he wasn't sure anymore. The Marinette he had met 3 years ago was super forgiving and nice. This one seemed to be impossible to get along with. Just like Alya and Nino who would steer clear of him whenever he walked into the common room to watch shows with them.

Adrien looked startled by the soft expression his cousin had just made. It was the kind of face Adrien had done multiple times in the past for photoshoots with partners, but never in reality towards another person. It was a face of longing. "Don't worry." Adrien patted his cousin's shoulder. "It's Marinette, I'm sure she'll forgive you!" He tried to sound supportive and hopeful, but the way things were looking, it didn't seem like Felix was going to be forgiven any time soon.

Felix didn't want to be comforted by Marinette's crush. It was just pity and he didn't want or need it. "Easy for you to say." He mumbled. 

"What?" Adrien asked. "How is it easy for me?"

Anger burned throughout Felix's body and he flipped out. "I know about the gum incident Adrien. She hated you for a good 24 hours, right? She forgave you." He spat. "Not only that, she fell in love with you Adrien! Because you gave her a damn umbrella!" He was screaming now. "Every other guy gets left in the dust just because you're her fucking standard. It's been about 3 years now Adrien! I've grown up! I've changed! But maybe the rest of you haven't." He despised his cousin now. "Maybe I like her attitude, maybe I think her height is the cutest fucking thing in the whole god damn world. But I can't even be friends with her because the rest of you keep sheltering her and telling her I'm the worst person on earth."

Adrien was alone now. He could feel people staring at him and the attention was negative. The whispers around were just loud enough for him to hear.

"Isn't that Adrien Agreste?"

"Yeah, he just got called out... Who's at fault here?"

"I don't know, based off what I saw, I would say Adrien."

"Really why? Cause he's perfect? That's a stupid reason to yell at him."

"No, because he's constantly acting like nothing's wrong and playing innocent and not facing his problems head on. But that's just based off what the other guy said. I bet you he didn't even realize why he got upset."

They read him like an open book. He had always felt that it was easier to muster a smile and forget about the problem at hand rather than fight back. As for not knowing why Felix was upset, he had some idea. Felix had given him the same look he gave Cat Noir that day. It was jealousy. Maybe it was his fault, but how was he supposed to know that Felix liked her if all he did was be mean? Like hell he grew up. Felix was the same person he was 3 years ago. 

Felix was running home now. He didn't want to feel the guilt rising in his chest. He hated the fact that he grew soft. He always thought that he would grow up to be like his uncle, and while it disappointed him, he knew it was the safest option. Felix had never seen his uncle get emotional like this. His uncle never seemed to regret his decisions. He had changed, he had to of grown up. This is what growing up means... Right? Becoming someone you didn't know you could be?

Marinette knew she hadn't handled the situation correctly. Ignoring Felix would only make him more upset, and she didn't like dealing with Felix to begin with. She felt sorry for him. Maybe she was being mean, and unfair, but it was her immediate reaction. Marinette already she would be getting an earful from Tikki that night. After all, the only reason she hadn't already killed Felix was because Tikki kept telling her that she needed to grow up and forgive him.

Adrien ran to the nearest alley and sunk to his knees. "My life's a mess."

Plagg flew out and cackled. "No it isn't. Now if you get caught, you have an excuse."

"Get caught?" Adrien cocked his head.

"You know, now that you finally understand that Marinette likes you. Instead of saying that Cat Noir told you, which would ruin your friendship, you can tell her that Felix was angry and told you." The kwami flew around in search for some cheese. "Where's the cheese kid?"

"Plagg... That's a great idea! Not." He hung his head. "The whole reason Felix is mad at me is because Marinette favors me over him. If I told her that he spilled the secret, then she would absolutely never forgive him. So if I told I would only gain her friendship and lose the only family member that actually talks to me." He frowned.

"Well kid, this is up to you. Grow up." Plagg shrugged.

"Yeah, thanks for that." Adrien rolled his eyes.


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