Chapter 9

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In years past, Elena had always boarded the Hogwarts Express with something akin to nervous elation. Hogwarts was the safest place in the world, she'd been told once by someone (whom she couldn't remember). It was mostly true; the worst she'd endured was Tom Riddle's threats and blackmailing. While she could see the danger behind the words, he'd stayed true to their deal thus far.

"Sweetheart, give daddy a hug before you go," came the hated voice behind her. She paused in her hurried steps, waiting for the Vablatskys to catch up with her. Cassandra, regal, black eyes and hair hearkening back to some far-eastern ancestor, smiled indulgently as her husband wrapped their supposed child in a warm embrace.

Aurek Vablatsky was more German than Polish despite his name. His blonde waves were neatly curled back, pale green eyes framed by strawberry lashes. People assumed he was where Elena's coloring came from, the girl almost as fair in hair, though her blue eyes were nearly as dark as her mother's.

The man pulled her in tight, running his hands through her long, silken hair. Champagne, he called it. "And just as sweet as the drink." He tipped her chin up with one large hand—neither husband nor wife were petite, but Elena was— brushed his lips at the corner of her mouth. His thick, accented voice filled her ears as he pulled her in once more. "Daddy's going to miss you, mausi. I'm so glad it is your last year away."

"Hm." She pulled back at last with a tight smile. "And then I'll be off to find a career, I suppose."

"No rush, sweetheart," Aurek said. "Right, love?"

Cassandra nodded. "Of course." She held out her arm for a quick hug and kissed Elena's cheek just barely. As Aurek stepped forward to intercept the teenager once more, she laughed. "Aurek, let her go! She will be back for the winter holidays, after all."

"Oh, all right." A finger stroked down her cheek before the girl could move away. "Remember to write, mausi."

She nodded, still with that forced smile upon her cheeks, and turned on her heel, dragging her trunk behind her. At the end of this year, she would be an adult. Perhaps she could even find work before she had to return to one of the Vablatsky properties. She could afford her own medi-witch, someone to look after da, and live with him. Perhaps they could move to a wizarding village, and they'd be safe and together there...

Elena joined a compartment with other Ravenclaws; while not every Ravenclaw was studious and anti-social, there was usually one part of the train taken by those who preferred studious silence. That was where she felt most at peace. No one would question here there, her face hidden behind a book. She could hide in plain sight.

That was how she'd gotten through the last six years at Hogwarts, starting with sitting under the Sorting Hat as a first year.

"Ah, what have we here. Vablatsky? But that wasn't always your name." The girl had shaken her head, and the hat on top of it. "Hm. Quite the pickle you're in, dear. I see here you're loyal to your father—your real father. Clever, too. Not brave, no, but resilient. But, let me ask you something I'm sure no one else has in a while. What do you want?

"I just want to get through this," came her silent whisper.

"Not Gryffindor for you. You want to hide. Not Hufflepuff either, they'll all try to befriend you, that lot."

"Ravenclaw, maybe?" said the girl. She liked to read. Sometimes she would lose herself in books, in worlds where it was safe.

"All right, then—"


Now, seventeen and nearing the end of her time in the castle, she wondered what house she'd have been in had she stayed with her da. Cassandra (she only called her 'mother' to her face or before company) had been thrilled her daughter was an eagle. It was a proud house, a house suited for seers, for all with open minds.

Da, being a muggle, hadn't gone to Hogwarts. His sister had been a Hufflepuff though, and he liked to think that would have been his house too.

It was raining. It rained often in Scotland, and Elena found she liked it—but only at Hogwarts. Rain at Hogwarts meant curling up in front of a fireplace with hot chocolate or pumpkin juice, and a book. It meant a common room full of content Ravenclaws studying and murmuring in companionable quiet. Rain at the Vablatsky country manor meant she was trapped.

Elena slid a finger against the window beside her, tracing the path of a raindrop. The last trip back to Hogwarts. Whatever they might want, she didn't plan to leave for the winter hols. She hadn't since second year. However, she didn't look forward to Christmas at Hogwarts as much this year either. Riddle had been rather invasive when everyone left. Without his Knights to distract him, he'd had less to hold his attention. While some girls might think he was handsome, charming, being the sole focus of his attention was terrifying. Of course, she knew his capabilities.

A snake's jaw unhinging as it burst from the mouth of a skull. A flash of green, cruel, high pitched laughter.

She shook her head, trying to dislodge the images that haunted her.

Elena had been mostly honest with Riddle when she'd said she didn't remember her visions. She didn't remember the repetitive words, didn't remember writing them, nor everything she saw during. It was always like a dream, one that faded instantly, and she could only recall the vaguest impressions. She had no idea what any of it meant.

Her last one had been the day before. Rather than mailing it via owlpost, she'd chosen to bring it with her. She would pass it on to one of Riddle's followers when she could. Surely that would get to him faster than if she'd sent it out this morning.

She sucked her lip into her mouth, worrying at it, hoping he would agree.

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