Chapter 12

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Hogsmeade in October was the definition of Halloween to Elena. Everything was pumpkins and candles, spiced air and colorful décor. While not as busy as Diagon Alley, witches and wizards could still be found on landings discussing the latest happenings. It was cool, and she could almost taste the chill of winter on the air, but Elena forewent the additional warming layers of hat, gloves, and scarf. In truth, she hated anything that restricted her senses. While warming charms weren't technically allowed while off school grounds, everyone turned a blind eye when students cast such on themselves or classmates.

Thus, she wandered the little village perfectly cozy. She made a list of everywhere she wanted to go, and why.

The Vablatskys always ensured her school materials were in pristine condition and top of the line (something Aurek prided himself in), so she had no need for Dervish and Banges, nor the apothecary, her potions materials full to bursting. Honeydukes was a definite must, but she would wait until the crowd dispersed a bit first. Not only did she crave sweets something fierce, but her da was enamored of wizarding treats. They reminded him of his sister, who would send home packages of Ice Mice and Chocolate Frogs and Fizzingwhizbees. She'd come during the summers with pockets full of harmless pranks from Zonko's, and little bits and baubles that treaded the Statue of Secrecy. Elena made sure to send him some whenever she could.

Scrivenshaft's for stationary—she had fallen in love with a particular set that had scented, blooming flowers; since then, it was the only parchment she sent to her father.

She wanted to go to the music shop and pick up new sheet music for her da, but that could wait until the next trip. Jack Mullens was a fiddle player. He'd been a street musician when he met Cassandra Vablatsky, though he'd turned to respectable work to keep himself and Elena kept in good standing. He specialized in Irish folk music, and on occasion she had found some wizarding tunes for him to add to his collection.

Oh, and Tomes and Scrolls was a must for every Ravenclaw—

"Oi, Vablatsky!"

Elena halted in mid-step, turning to look over one shoulder and then the other. As her brow furrowed in confusion, a hand clapped on her back. "There you are!" Dan Johnson's warm brown eyes met hers, a laugh still at the corners of them. "I've been looking for you. Are you ready for that butterbeer? You did say you'd prefer a butterbeer, right?"

The girl blinked, hearkening back to their conversation earlier that week. She surreptitiously swept her gaze around the surrounding area, no older Slytherin students in sight, and nodded. Yes, Riddle had warned her against going out with the Hufflepuff, but they'd met here. Surely, he couldn't blame her for running into a friend. They'd have a quick butterbeer, chat, then go their separate ways.

He wound his warm with hers and spun the pair of them around. "Some friends of mine were holding a spot for us. I hope you don't mind." His dark cheeks flushed, and he scratched the back of his neck. "I—they're about to head to Spintwitches', so they won't be with us long."

"It's fine," she assured him. In fact, if they were around others, Riddle might be more likely to forgive her supposed transgression. Friends gathered in groups; dates were one-on-one.

The Hufflepuff rambled as he guided her back to the Three Broomsticks, and she took the opportunity to study him. He was tall, a head taller than she was, and handsome. He had short, dark curls, and friendly eyes. Elena had never seen him be anything other than respectful and warm toward others. Even when Tom had rudely interrupted them, he'd kept the smile on his face. She liked that.

And, being nearer to him now than she'd ever been before, she found she liked the warmth of scent too. He smelled like rosemary and cinnamon; she wondered what soap he used.

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