Chapter 56

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Dinner that evening was a subdued affair for the Death Eaters. Lucius and Draco were in attendance, Narcissa sending her regards through them; she was unwell. She often preferred to forgo meals with the Dark Lord, but he allowed it as long as she otherwise performed her duties. Rookwood had sauntered in, drawn no doubt by his pet's presence. Surprisingly, Theodorus and his son had joined as well. While the boy was not among his inner circle, nor even among his troops (he was not yet of age and his father was protective over the late-in-life heir), he was a good friend of young Draco. Severus was the last to join them.

"Eight, so close to the perfect magical seven," Voldemort said, taking his place at the head of the table. "I could not dismiss any of you, though. This is quite the balanced table."

"Eight, my lord?" Dolohov asked as his eyes lingered on Elena.

He'd pulled the woman onto his lap once more, taking full advantage of her company. "One does not count pets, Antonin. Not even those one might feed scraps at the table." The corner of his mouth twitched. "Have we not had this discussion before?"

Antonin half-hid his answering smile.

"Lucius, you disapprove?"

"Your pardon, my lord," the stiff man intoned. "I am unused to seeing women in such a position."

"Would it help if I told she is a halfblood?" he offered. "And that somewhere in her twisted little soul, she enjoys it. She agreed to play tonight, didn't you, pet?"

Her only tell was the flex of her jaw. "I did, my lord."

Lucius practically squirmed in his seat and poor Draco kept flitting between his father and Voldemort and his godfather, trying to discern the appropriate expression. Voldemort chuckled and his reluctant host flinched. "Calm down, Lucius. I'm hardly going to fuck her over the table at dinner." As the meal appeared before him, he took turns taking bites for himself and feeding Elena. It was amusing to see her trying to retain her dignity as she took dainty nibbles from his fork. He had insisted on fruit for dessert so he could have she take the food from his fingers.

"Such an obedient thing," he murmured as she took a slice of melon between her teeth. "You see, Draco, Theodore, you can have women eating out of your hands if you are powerful enough. And no one would dare gainsay you." He practically purred as he smiled at Lucius and then returned his attention to the two youths. "You could even have that little mudblood leashed. Granger, is it? I know you have a certain interest in her, Draco." At the boy's blush, he added, "No judgement here, my boy. If you want a mudblood pet, why ever not? The juice, sweetheart." Her cheeks flushed as she licked the rivulets from his hand.

As dinner disappeared, the dishes along with it, he allowed Lucius to take his leave. It saddened him to see how weak Abraxas' son was, and Lucius was by far stronger than young Draco. He would have to do something to shore up the Malfoy line. Perhaps gifting the Granger mudblood to Draco would foster more cruelty in the boy.

Theodore and Draco removed themselves together from the table, leaving only four of his Death Eaters in his presence. Nott, Dolohov, Rookwood, and surprisingly, Severus. Voldemort waved and the table pushed itself against a wall, leaving them a nice little seating area around which to drink and talk.

"Your son seems bright, Theodorus," Elena said at last. He'd commanded her to keep quiet during the meal and not interrupt the conversation of her betters.

"Thank you, Elena. He's a good young man, I think." Nott swirled the wine in his glass, smiling at his old friend even as he noted the possessive way his lord's hands roved over her.

Voldemort grinned and held his own wine for his pet to sip. "If you're uncomfortable, you may leave, Theodorus."

"My lord, I have not seen Elena in some time. I would prefer to stay, if you will allow it."

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