Chapter 1

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So it finally happened. The boxes were packed. The goodbyes were exchanged. The tears were shed. I am actually living in London, England, thousands of miles from the rest of my family, my friends, my first love, and my best friend. I know that this job is what my mom has always worked for and wanted, but I still do not know if it is really worth it. None of us are truly happy. Mom is happy about the job, and dad is happy for her, but Auggie and I are miserable, and have been since she made her decision.

I had had everything. I had a great group of friends, a best friend who was more like a sister to me, and the best boyfriend ever. That was one of the things that I hated changing. I had waited so long for his choice, praying and wishing every chance I got that he would pick me. I mean, if he had picked Maya, I would have been happy for them, but I was so glad that he picked me.

And now, where has that got us? Now we are living in different continents, heartbroken and miserable. And I have only been gone a month. There is a bay window in my room, but every time I sit in it, it either feels broken and empty, or it reminds me of my old life which causes me to break down into tears. I can't do this anymore. I have to tell them.

I walk into the main room where my parents are drinking tea. Except there is something off about them. They are sitting on opposite sides of the room. They are not even looking at each other, and the silence is not the comfortable kind, but the tension filled type.

"Why did we move here?" I say, breaking the silence and causing them to suddenly look up at me.

"What do you mean Riley?" My dad says as he goes back to studying his mug of tea.

"I mean why did we move here? None of us are happy. Mom, I know that you have worked your whole life to get this job, and I am infinitely proud of you for getting it, but at what cost? You two can barely look at each other, Auggie spent half of the flight crying into my arms, and I would have done the same if I had not been trying so hard to stay strong for him. Dad is having trouble finding a new job since the way they teach here is different from America. And I want nothing more than to be surrounded by my friends and family. I want to get ready for prom with Smackle and Maya. I want to go on summer trips with Lucas. I want to hear Farkle spoil movies. I want to have Zay pester me about his cookie. I want us to be happy."

"Riley, I understand all of that, but it is not that easy. I just got this job. I am in charge of everyone at the office. We already gave our apartment to Katy and Shawn. We can't go back. We just can't." My mom said as she let a tear escape her eye.

"Mom, you are never even here anymore. Work is overtaking your life. This isn't you. This isn't us."

"You are right. Guys, pack the boxes again. We're going back home."

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