Chapter 6

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The next day started out pretty much the same as the previous ones. Once we got to history, I sat down in my seat and eagerly awaited Lucas' note that I knew was coming. Sure enough, about a minute later, another note wormed its way onto my desk.

After school, I really need to tell you something at the bakery. I never fully explained myself yesterday. I promise, you'll like what I have to say. 😘

Confused by the note, I turned all of my focus towards the lesson for today: a continuation of "Class Structures". I then realized that my dad had never fully answered my question from last class.


"Yeah Riley?"

"You never answered my question from last class." He gave his little smirk, the one he always gave before he was about to teach us something about life.

"Society in England after World War One was completely different. Daughters of aristocrats started getting jobs and separating themselves from their family's money. Young maids and footmen went to village schools to learn to read and write. Those young people, who left the new possibilities unlocked, were responsible for getting women voting rights, establishing better working conditions in factories, and eventually forming more equal societies. None of that would've been possible if they locked everything away after the war because they were scared."

For the first time since that night, I felt relief. It was okay for me to keep this new part of me unlocked, because maybe it would eventually lead me somewhere great.

The rest of the day seemed to whiz by. I wasn't able to see my friends at lunch, since that was when I was taking all of my Spanish tests, but it just made me more excited to see Lucas after school. No sooner had the final bell rang then Lucas and I were headed out to the subway and then the bakery. When we got there, Lucas and I sat down in our usual seats.

"Okay, you know yesterday when you said that I've changed? That I've been spending more time than usual with my earbuds in?"


"Well, you know how I only do that when I'm really trying to focus on something?"

"Yeah?" He pulled out the papers from his backpack that I had seen him shove into there the previous day.

"This is what I've been focusing on lately." He handed me the papers, which I carefully examined. They were hand-drawn pictures of a house, a couple rings, a bride and a groom, and a family with a mom, dad, and a daughter. When I looked even closer, I saw that the bride and groom were me and Lucas. My heart seemed to stop for a minute.

"This," he pointed to a picture of a simple but beautiful silver infinity knot ring, "is a sketch of the promise ring I would get for you before we graduate high school. The other ring is what I imagined your engagement ring would look like. That's the type of house I was thinking we would try to get after college, just outside of the city. That's what I picture you looking like in your wedding dress, and that's the amazing family I hope we'll have someday."

"L-Lucas, I- I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. That night did change me. It unlocked a future for me that I never knew existed. Up until then, I knew I wanted to be with you, but it was still hard at times to imagine us in a situation like your parents. But that night, when we finally moved past innocent quick kisses and holding hands, it was like everything fell into place. Do you feel the same way?"

"Lucas, of course I do! Why do you think I wore that outfit yesterday and asked my dad that question? That night unlocked a side of myself I had never known and never want to put back."

"Well, in that case, do you like the pictures?"

"I love them! They're perfect." We then leaned into one another and shared a quick kiss, but it was still enough to electrify my whole body.

As soon as we broke apart, however, my dad's screaming rang through the entire bakery. My mom wasn't able to hold him back this time, so I stood up and Lucas got behind me as I faced off with my dad who had just stormed out of the kitchen.

"Riley, please step aside so I can thoroughly hurt him for doing that to you in front of me!!!"

"Dad, you can't hurt him."

"Why not?! He just kissed my little girl!"

"Because I love him!" It was like everything and everyone in the bakery froze. My heart picked up a little, but what I said was true. I turned around to face Lucas so that my head was laying on his chest. I looked up into his emerald green eyes. "I love you, Lucas Friar."

"I love you too, Riley Matthews."

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