Chapter 11

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The next day, thankfully, was Saturday. I must've slept for 12 hours due to all of the lost sleep over the previous nights. When I finally woke up, I looked over at my phone and saw that it was just about 11. I got up and changed into a simple navy polka dot dress with some plain black slip-ons. I was just finishing up my hair and make-up when I got a text from Lucas.

Lucas: Hey, you wanna hang out later today? Maybe walk around and get some lunch?

Riley: Sorry, but I can't. I'm busy.

Lucas: Let me guess; your plan for dealing with Garbage?

Lucas: Sorry, Gardner.

Riley: Haha, and yes. So sorry, but I can't hang out with you at all this weekend.

Lucas: Why?

Riley: Because for the plan to work, he has to think I broke up with you. At least for the weekend.

Lucas: Ok, I guess I can do that. You know I'm right here if anything goes wrong and you need me, right?

Riley: Of course I do. You've been there for me since 7th grade 😘🥰

Lucas: 💜💜💜

Once I had settled everything with Lucas, I quickly sent Charlie a text asking to meet up at the bakery. I knew that none of my friends would be there, since Saturday was when they usually did stuff like shop and go on dates. When I got there, he was sitting at the counter. He looked over at me when I came in, the look of a devil replacing his usually kind one. I motioned for him to come over to where I was sitting, which was where I typically sit next to Lucas or Maya.

"Hey, Charlie."

"Hey. Where's the rest of your little posse?"

"Oh, about that. So Lucas and I got into a big fight the other day. Basically, we broke up and everyone took his side. Except Maya, but she's with her parents today."

"I'm so sorry to hear about that. But may I ask, why did you and Lucas break up?"

"Because I started having feelings for someone else." The look on his face was exactly as I had predicted. He was in utter disbelief.

"Wait, me?!"

"Yeah. The way you kissed me in the library was so different, so intense."

"Uh, okay, um, I can't believe this. I mean, I've liked you since middle school, but I never thought you would actually like me back."

"Well, I do."

"So, are we a couple now?"

"That depends. Are you willing to do one thing for me?"


"Okay, so I know that I messed up with Lucas, but I still want to expose him in front of the whole school for being jealous and having anger issues. Will you help me do that?"

"Are you kidding? I'd love to!"

I gave him a nod and a smile, and then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I left. Phase 1 had gone off without a hitch. Tomorrow, I could rest a bit and maybe even hang out with Maya while Erica and Jaz carried out Phase 2.

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