Chapter 16

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After the final bell of the day rang, Lucas and I met up with the rest of the gang and made our way over to Topanga's. Once we got there, we sat in our usual spots and ordered our typical drinks (Lucas and me got strawberry banana smoothies, Maya got strawberry, Farkle and Smackle got mango ones, and Zay got a root beer). I tried to start a conversation, but no sooner had the drinks arrived than my friends were all but shoving me over to go talk to my mom who was working behind the counter. I looked over at Lucas, trying to gain some sympathy, but he just gave me a "you know you have to do this" look, so I finally caved and walked over to my mom.

"Hey mom. You got a sec?"

"Sure Riley. You guys are the only customers here right now. What's up?"

"Well, what I'm about to tell you cannot at all reach Dad. Promise me you won't tell?"

"Okay, I have a feeling I know what you're gonna tell me, so yes. I promise not to tell your father."

"Okay, so you remember last night when everyone was hanging out together?"


"Well, after everyone had left and I was in my room getting ready for bed, Lucas stopped by to say 'good-night' to me. One thing led to another, and-"

"Stop right there. I think I know what you guys did. Were you guys at least safe?"

"Uh yeah. Maya had given me some condoms for my birthday/Christmas as a joke, but I wanted to tell you so Lucas and I weren't completely having to sneak around and so you could help us hide it from Dad."

"Riley, I've seen how you two are together. Everyday it looks more and more like you two are the next 'Cory and Topanga'. I'm glad to hear that you guys were safe and that you felt comfortable enough to tell me about it. I completely understand you guys wanting one of your parents to know, and I promise I'll help you hide this from Dad who would kill Lucas if he found out. However, if you are now technically sexually active, you should probably go see a gynecologist so they can test you for anything wrong and possibly put you on birth control."

"Okay, sounds good. Would you be willing to make the appointment for me? It's just that you are the one who actually knows this kind of stuff."

"Of course sweetie. Actually, let me call my gynecologist's office now. There's another doctor there who's great and I think you would like. She's fairly young and mainly works with teenagers anyways." I nodded in approval as she turned around and walked over to a corner to make the call. Meanwhile, I decided to head back over to my friends while I waited for the call to be over. I sat down in my favorite spot right between Maya and Lucas.

"So, how'd it go? She want to kill me?"

"No, she doesn't. And it was fine. She's just calling a doctor to set up an appointment for me."

"Uh, Riley, why is your mom calling a doctor? Do you need a booster shot or something?" Zay said, completely lost.

"Zay, her mom is talking to a gynecologist. A doctor who specializes in women's medicine." Smackle said in her usual matter-of-fact tone.

"Is she going to tell your dad about us, or is she on our side?"

"She's a hundred percent on our side. The only reason she would've been against us is if we hadn't been safe."

"Which you were, thanks to me." Maya chimed in.

"Oh please. You got me those as a joke. You were shocked when I told you they were actually useful."

"What are you guys talking about?" We all turned to face the door as my Uncle Josh walked in.

"Us? Oh we were just talking about how our innocent Riley and her boyfriend Ranger Rick finally decided to-" I covered her mouth with my hand before she could say anything else. As she fought against me, Josh carefully studied both me and Lucas.

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