Chapter 7

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Warning: Contains description of sexual assault/harassment

The next morning when I woke up, it was like the entire world had changed. I jumped out of bed and went into my closet to change into a flowy green wrap dress and gold sandals. When I came out to do my hair and make-up, I heard a knock on the window from behind me. I turned around, expecting to see Maya on the other side, but instead it was my precious mad dog. I walked over and opened the window, a big Riley smile painted on my face.

"Lucas, what are you doing?"

"I thought I would come over a little early so I could get some extra time with my amazing girlfriend." He gave me a quick kiss after he was in my room. It probably would've been deeper, but I was just about to put lipstick on.

"Well, it's not like I mind being surprised by the people I love." He gave a small smile as he stood behind me while I finished my make-up. I kept it natural, just like always, but this time I chose a slightly darker mauve lipstick that I had seen Lucas eyeing over my shoulder.

"Why did you have to put that one on? Now I can't kiss you all the time."

"Is someone scared of a little lipstick getting on them?"

"Haha. Come on, we have to go get something to eat before Maya and Farkle show up."

Without thinking, we just walked hand in hand from my room into the kitchen.

"Hey Riley." My dad said while he was reading the newspaper, oblivious to the fact that Lucas was there.

"Morning Riley. Morning Lucas." My mom said, immediately cursing herself after mentioning Lucas' name. My dad's head snapped up and he gave Lucas a death glare.

"What were you doing in my daughters room this morning?! Did you stay the night?! Are you abducting her?!"

"Relax, Dad. He came into my room just before I started my make-up."


"I wanted to surprise Riley and I also wanted to spend a little extra time with the girl I love." Lucas said, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Cory, if you still insist on killing him after that and yesterday, I will personally make sure you sleep on the couch for the rest of your life." My mom said in her threatening monster voice. Dad, clearly afraid of the threat, put his hands up in defeat.

"Okay, okay. He lives. But I swear to God, if you so much as think of hurting my daughter, I will make sure that she-" he pointed to Mom "destroys you."

"Duly noted, sir." As Lucas and I started eating our breakfast, I heard the door open behind us, followed by a gasp and a chuckle. I didn't even have to turn around to know who was responsible for each of the sounds.

"So, Huckleberry here beat us to the breakfast table. How long have ya been here this morning?"

"Very funny, Maya. I came here early so I could spend some extra time with Riles."

"I'm the only one who gets to call her that! I'm her best friend!"

"What, her boyfriend can't call her that?"

"Not as long as I'm around he can't!" I looked over to Farkle, who was just sitting there at the table, quietly eating some cereal, clearly uncomfortable in this situation. Once I saw that Maya and Lucas were now in a full-on standoff, I discretely took out my phone and started texting Farkle.

Riley: How long do you think this one will last? I think until 2nd period where they have different classes.

Farkle: Idk, this one might last the whole day. Maya cherishes the fact that there are certain names only you guys get to call each other.

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