Chapter 17

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The next week and a half was perfect, though a little crazy. Lucas was relieved to hear that my father wasn't going to kill him for what we did, though I swear that my dad was paying extra close attention to us at school. Since it was finals week, all of us were either sleeping, taking our finals, or studying together for the finals. By the time it was the weekend, we were all completely exhausted. Instead of going to the movies or the park, the six of us decided to have a movie/game night at my house. My parents said everyone could sleepover so long as the guys slept in the living room while the girls slept in my room. After the final bell rang on Friday, signaling the end of mine and Lucas' math final, we all met up outside of the school.

"Okay, so you four go and get your stuff for tonight while me and Maya head over to get everything set up." They all nodded in agreement with Lucas giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before we all went our separate ways.

About 20 minutes after Maya and I had gotten back, Zay, Farkle, Smackle, and Lucas all showed up at my bay window. I opened up the window and stepped back, allowing them to come through and put their stuff down.

"Okay, so what's the plan for tonight?" Farkle asked.

"Well, my mom wanted to make dinner for all of us as a reward for surviving finals. Then, I was thinking we watch a couple movies, play a game or two, and just talk. Sound good?"

"Yeah. What's your mom making?"

"I think it's mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, salad, and brownies and cookies for dessert." Pleased with the menu for tonight, we all went into the family room where the guys put their stuff down. Since we had about an hour until dinner, we decided to just sit around and talk like we always have.

"So Riley, I heard that your dad found out about you two." Zay said, somewhat amused that we couldn't get away with it.

"Oh come on. It's been over a week. Is there anything else we can talk about."

"I don't think so. Farkle and Smackle have been practically drama free since the beginning, I'm happily single, and Maya's still been obsessing over your Uncle Boing." I looked over at Maya to see if she was going to respond, but she was staring at her phone, oblivious to what was going on around her. Just then I looked up and saw Josh quietly enter the room through the front door. He put his finger up to his lips, telling us not to ruin the surprise for Maya. While she was still staring at her phone, he knelt down behind her.

"You know, you could be spending this time actually talking to your friends instead of stalking my Instagram." She immediately dropped her phone, turned around to face him, and crushed him with a big hug. I think the last time she was this happy was when Sean adopted her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked after she finally let him go.

"Well, college classes end a lot earlier than high school classes, so I'm completely free to hang out with my niece, her friends, and the prettiest girl ever."

"Are you staying in town for the summer?" I asked, hopeful that he would get to spend more time with Maya.

"For the most part, yeah. I'll be going back home to my parents a couple times throughout summer, but I'll mainly be up here."

"When are you first headed back to Philly?"

"When's your last day of school?"

"This upcoming Wednesday."

"Then that Friday." I think all of us were a little confused by the way he said it.

"Uncle Josh, why are you waiting until then? Why not go back now?"

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