Chapter 5

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The next day, I woke up happier than ever. Auggie was practically bouncing on the bed, trying to get me to wake up. He was already dressed for the day, so I told him to just wait a couple of minutes while I got ready. I threw on a pair of dark jean shorts with a peach fitted top and a mauve lace bralette underneath (it was really hot out and I wanted to impress Lucas). I kept everything neutral with minimal make-up and maroon flower earrings. When I was finally done, Auggie practically dragged me to the breakfast table.

"There you guys are!" Dad said as we walked into the kitchen. "I thought you might end up being late for school!"

"Auggie was having trouble sleeping last night and came into my room, so I guess we stayed up a little late reading stories and singing."

I was about to eat when I turned around and saw Maya and Farkle at the door. "Sorry we're late. Any chance of a quick something to eat?" Farkle asked as Maya rummaged through the fridge and cabinets, throwing him a banana and granola bar before my mother had time to answer. We were about to leave when I looked over and saw Lucas standing at the door.

I swear, he's looked at me so many times, but this one was different. He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering over the spots on my shoulders where my bralette peeped through. He gave the slightest smirk, teasing at the fact that he had an idea of what was underneath.

"Are you guys ready to go? We have to leave right now if we don't want to risk being late." We all ran out the door, backpacks and phones in hand, and once again raced to the subway. This time, however, I chose to stay standing next to Maya.

"Okay, what happened between you guys last night?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"I mean that earlier in your apartment, Lucas looked at you differently."

"How so?"

"Like he'd seen you naked."


"Relax, I know that you guys probably didn't go as far as page 73. But what did you guys actually do?" I looked up at the map to see how long we had before our stop. Still 2 stops. Just enough time.

"Okay, so Lucas and I went up to my room to study. After I had finished almost all of my work, I saw that it was already 6:30. As I was cleaning everything up, I found my scrapbook and flipped to the page with the picture of me and Lucas at the ski lodge. We had a little moment, which may or may not have ended up with us making out and my dress and his shirt on the floor."

"O. M. G. Riley Matthews! I didn't know either of you had it in you to do something like that!" I was about to respond when I saw the next stop would be ours. I started to laugh a little bit as a thought came into my head. "What's so funny, Riles?"

"What on earth is my dad going to come up with for this?"

Once we got off of the subway, we followed the normal routine. I walked in holding hands with Lucas, we walked into history and sat down in our seats. Before my dad came in and caused whatever craziness he had planned for this time, a little note appeared once again on my desk.

We've had lots of amazing moments, but I think last night was one of my favorites. Also, are you trying to torture me now with your outfit? C'mon, go easy on me! 😉

I fought back the blush and instead, flipped my hair so that all of it was draped over my left shoulder, leaving more of my bralette exposed to Lucas. I had no idea why I was now acting like this, but it was almost as if last night had permanently unlocked a part of me; I had gotten a taste of the other side, and I didn't want to go back.

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