XIV. A twist of fate

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halcyon: (adj.) calm and peaceful; happy.

Alivia's POV

Oliver shook his head slowly before disappearing into the crowd.

"what do you want?" I said irritated.

"Just follow me." He sneered. Why is he in such a bad mood all the time? It really didn't cost anything to be kinder?

I reluctantly followed him all the way to an empty room. We walked inside and he closed the door behind us as he began to speak.

"You need to stop talking to Oliver." He said in a low voice as he slowly started to walk towards me.

"Why? He's been like my best friend since forev-" I started to say.

"Just stay away!" He cut me off in a now angered tone.

He was still walking towards me whereas I was stepping back.

Once my back hit the wall; I had nowhere to go.

"You can't just tell me to stay away without telling me why" I started trying to defend my frienship. But in true Carter fashion, he cut me off.

He came closer, "Because I said so.." Now that, was a bogus reason, his minty breath hovering over me cut off my train of thought. We were so close, too close.

"And because it pains me every time I'm forced to see it." He muttered.

Before I could even process what was happening, his lips were on mine and I didn't stop him.

We deepened the kiss as he took his mask off, and mine followed.

Nothing was okay, but at that moment, we were in our own world. Until I snapped back to the real world; we had a dance to attend.

"We should go back.." I said quietly flushing with color.

Carter nodded with a small smile, I smiled back and we quickly put our masks back on.

I started to walk but carter grabbed my wrist.

" We should continue that sometime after the party." He remarked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. Men.

Carter followed soon after and we made it back to the ball just as the dancing started.

Carter put his hands around my waist and pulled me onto the floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He laughed quietly.

"What?" I asked looking around for anything that might be laugh-worthy.

"You're wearing my mask, and I assume I'm wearing yours." He smirked.

"Oh, do you want to switch back?" I said quickly.

"No keep it on, it looks better on you." He remarked as he dipped me.

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