The Begining Part 2

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Narrator's POV

"Luna, don't do that you'll kill him!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"I'd love it if you two argued without a knife to my throat!"

After America saw Mexico's wings, who hadn't expected America to come home and figured it'd be safe for him to stretch them out a little, Luna pounced. She grabbed out her pocket knife, jumped over the couch, and pinned America down on the ground, his arms held tightly behind his back and his legs pinned down by Luna's heeled boot. She held a knife to his throat and started telling Mexico and Agave to help hold him down.

Mexico and Agave decided that the best thing to do was to talk her down.

"He saw your wings Mexi," Luna kept her knife steady and glanced at Mexico who was too scared to move any closer. "You know the stories, we can't risk anyone knowing."

"But, he's not like that, you should know!"

"We don't know for sure! He could take advantage of you, just like he did before!"

"That was forever ago, he's not the same person as he was then remember?"

"If I may interrupt," America winced as he felt the blade get closer to his throat. "It sounds like you two need to go over this some more, so I can wait outside while you guys talk it over."

Luna pulled on his hair and he winced from the pain. He knew that wouldn't have worked, but it was worth a try.

"Shut up, you won't be getting out of this you bastard," Luna growled and America nervously smiled up at her.

"Luna, please, we can just talk about this with him, we don't have to kill him," Agave tried to reason, trying not to panic and break down in tears. "Right, Mexi?"

"Yeah! I know America, Luna," Mexico kneeled in front of America and his sister. "He's an idiot but he won't say anything. Right, Ame?"

"Oh yeah, no, mouth shut, not a word to anybody," he scrambled out to say through gritted teeth. He was desperately trying to keep his head up away from the knife but also to keep his shades from sliding off. The last thing he wanted was to have them see his eyes. He could not handle that mental weight right now.

"Do I have your word?" Luna tightened her grip on his hair.

"Yes! Yes, you have my word! Can you please stop doing that!"

Luna looked to her younger siblings, giving in to their silent pleads to let him go. She sighed, taking the knife away from America's throat and getting off of him. He scrambled to his feet, holding his neck and leaning against the doorframe, trying to catch his breath.

"I'm so sorry, we can leave if you want," Mexico waved for his younger brother to get closer to the other two, allowing America more room to breathe.

"Nah, ya'll can stay. I get it, why she attacked I mean," America rubbed his eyes and adjusted his glasses so they didn't see anything he didn't want them to. "It must be scary having someone find out something you've been hiding for years."

"You speak from experience," Luna commented, noticing his voice and expression. "Been around for 500 years, right? Of course, you are hiding something," she stepped closer to America, who instinctively pressed himself against the wall to keep the distance they had between them.

"Luna, I don't think-" Mexico was silenced when Luna held up her hand.

"What are you hiding, America?" The eldest sibling narrowed her eyes at him as America began to nervously sweat.

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