America Has Another Episode

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America's POV

Canada is baaaaad at hiding things. At least he is for me. Ever since that dinner party thing at Russia's last week, he has been kind of anxious and won't say much about his new girlfriend. I keep trying to bug him about it, but he refuses to say anything to me.

"Come on man, I know you're hiding something. Just tell me." I pleaded for what felt like the thousandth time, hoping that Id break him soon. It was getting so obnoxious, I was annoying myself! And I didnt think that was even possible!

"No, Ame I promised, please leave it alone."

"Promised what? To not say anything to me when I tell you EVERYTHING."
Canada gave a low sigh, clearly annoyed. "No, I keep my promises. Now please stop asking."

I groaned turning away from him. We were walking home from school, just another mundane day. Halloween was soon, so my mood was a little better. I already had my costume picked out and everything, I was going to be Pennywise from IT. It was going to be the best thing anyone has ever seen, but I may be biased.

Nah, Im awesome.

Canada started talking, but I was slightly tuning him out, out of spite. I looked at the sidewalk ahead of us, not particularly trying to see anything. The red leaves crunched under my feet and I resisted the urge to jump on every one I saw. I had a glass jar in my bag, I dont want to break that.

I wonder what Russia was doing for Halloween. 

I blinked at the random thought, startled by its randomness but thought out it some more. What was he going to be? I mean, hes already scary as it is. He doesnt really need to wear a costume, but itll be funny to see him in something.

"Hey did you see that?"

I looked at Canada confused. "What? See what? Where?"

He pointed to the tree line that ran parallel to the sidewalk a few yards away. We stopped walking and stood there, scanning the brush and the space between the trees waiting for something to move, or for any sounds. After a few moments of not seeing anything, I lost interest. 

"I dont see anything." 

"Shhh." He held a finger over his lips.

I scoffed and shoved my hands in my pockets. How dare he shush me, no one tells me to be quiet. Except for Canada, hes a different story. So to humor him, I pretend to try and find what he saw, thinking that it could have been a squirrel or something. 

A twig snapped and my eyes darted to the source of the sound. For a split second, I saw someone dart between the trees, heading away from us. I immediately walked closer, hoping to get a better view and see what the hell that was, but Canada grabbed my wrist and quickly pulled me back.

"Yo, what are you doing?" I exclaimed.

"Don't get closer, it could be a wild animal." He warned, keeping his tight hold on me. If he hadn't I would have possibly run into the woods to see who that was. I mean, what creep is just out hiding in the woods in the fall?

Oh, maybe this is a Halloween prank. And early one, albeit.

"Oh Canada," I patted my brothers hand. "Dont worry a little fur on top of that hat of yours, its probably just someone trying to prank us."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, duh! Its the Halloween season." I started to walk back down the sidewalk to go home. I was cold and just wanted to curl up under my blankets and binge watch some YouTube or Netflix. Canada had no choice but to follow after me, quickly catching up to walk alongside me again. 

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