Japan the Rusame Fan

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((Heh. I made that rhyme.))
Haha, still funny.

Narrator's POV

It's been a few weeks now since Poland and Germany had started dating. They were happy, hanging out with each other when they could. Sometimes they would meet up with America and Russia to hang out. Those two had started to warm up to each other, Poland and Germany had noticed. America was no longer on edge whenever Russia approached him, and Russia was actually seen smiling at America's jokes.

It was around then that they knew that their plan was working.

Germany's phone went off and Poland moved off his shoulder so he could check it. It was a text from Japan.

" 'Ubdate', " Germany read out loud for Poland, " 'America und Ruzia haffe now left zee liprary und are heading to Ruzia's houze.' "

"Again?" Poland smiled. "Dey a really hitting it off den!"

"I know!" Germany sent a reply back to Japan and set his phone down. "Maype it von't take long for zem to sdart liking each other."

The two had both came up with a plan late one night. The same night America had demanded Germany tell him about his first date with Poland. Little did he know as he was struggling to fall asleep, the couple downstairs were talking about him and Russia. They both thought they had such good friends, helping them approach each other. Then they started to realize how well those two could work together. How good of friends they could be. How cute a couple they could be.

It was set, maybe due to being tired, that they would try and set America and Russia up. After all, they had set Poland and Germany up.

Knowing they couldn't do it on their own, Germany asked Japan to help them. Japan immediately jumped at the chance, reveling that 'Rusame', as she called it, was one of her favorite ships that had yet to come true. She was good at eavesdropping on conversations, sneaking up on people, and spying on them. She blamed it on being a cat, but it was in part of the amount of practice she's had. Currently, that's what she was doing now.

America was trying to tell Russia a story, on a topic that didn't really interest him. Trying not to be rude, Russia was nodding along and trying to at least pay attention. He has learned that he can be more irritating if he's not given the attention he wants.

"Anyways, I totally kicked their asses for it. I was all, 'If I ever see you even looking at Canada again, I'll do worse!'" He finished giving Russia a playthrough of his last fight with a country that had threatened Canada. He nodded along, respecting his protectiveness over his brother. He was like that with his siblings as well. He's been in many physical fights before, just to keep them safe.

"Now we are pretty chill. But my threat still staaaAAAHHH SHIT!"

America suddenly fell forward, grabbing onto Russia's shirt sleeve. He quickly grabbed him and swung him in a half-circle around himself, to try and catch him. Instead, he tripped over his feet and fell down, taking America down with him.

Russia hit his back, half on the sidewalk and half on someone's yard. His head had hit the grass, thank goodness, and with the added padding from his ushanka, he wasn't hurt too much. His chest and stomach hurt, though. Russia pushed up his hat from his eyes and saw that America had landed on his chest.

America lifted his head with a groan and froze. They both looked at each other for a second, unsure of what to do next. It was awkward, Russia frozen in place and America torn between making a joke or ignoring everything.

"Hi there Ruski.~" America purred, not knowing how else to act.

Russia took one look at his seductive expression and pushed him off of him. America hit the ground and let out another groan, his side stinging from the impact. Damn, he has a strong arm.

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