Chapter 16

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"Tajuu Kage Bunshin no jutsu!"

He made about 200 shadow clones. Then he acted. When Gaara wanted to kill him for good, Naruto released Kyuubi's chakra and saved himself. He even saved Sakura, who was short of suffocation. He summoned Gamabunta and changed him into Kyuubi. It enraged Kyuubi, but at least he was using his chakra. In the end, Naruto won and even changed Gaara's view of the world. Gaara realized his wrongdoing and was glad to find someone who understood him. Since then, he respected Naruto. When Sasuke saw this, he couldn't believe his eyes, he was even jealous.

"Naruto … When did you become so strong?!" He punched the branch. Then he saw Sakura, she was falling from the tree, so he caught her.

"Thank you, Sasuke-kun." Meanwhile Hinata was talking with her father.

"Why did you end up here?"

"I-it’s nothing." She caught blood.

"This made you Neji? How could someone from branch house do this to you?!"

"Please don’t blame Neji-nii-san."

"I don’t blame him, I blame you. It’s your fault you weren’t strong enough, let’s go Hanabi."

"Father, Nee-sama is badly injured…"

"This doesn’t interest me!"

"But Father!"

"No, Hanabi! She’s just a dishonour to our clan!"

"I’m sorry, Nee-sama…" said Hanabi and left with her father.

"It’s all right, Hanabi. I’m used to it," thought Hinata with tears in her eyes. Hiashi went to see Neji too. He was injured from the battle with Naruto.

"Neji. Your father told me to tell you that he died for the main house, but here is the truth…" He gave him a scroll. Neji read it.

"So it was you, who wanted to die for the main house."

"But your father didn’t let me. I'm sorry, Neji."

"It’s all right, I don’t believe in destiny anymore," said Neji and touched his forehead.

"I'll try to make it up to you."

"Then let me train Hinata-sama."

"I thought you don’t believe in destiny anymore."

"I don’t, but it is something I want to do."

"Are you sure?"

"I am, I have to make it up to her. It was me who caused the injuries and now I’m sorry about it."

"All right, you can train her when you want," said Hiashi and left. Neji smirked. When Naruto got back to Konoha, he learnt that Hokage is dead. It was Orochimaru who killed him. He managed to seal his hands, but Orochimaru is still alive. Naruto was shocked when he heard it from Jiraiya. The next day was the funeral. Hinata was better, so she also attended the funeral.

"Hinata, are you okay already?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, I feel better."

"I’m glad." Hinata was still sad about what her father told her, but today was the Hokage’s funeral. The man who was always nice to her and let her be in Team 7 died. Hinata put a flower on his grave.

"Hinata-sama, I want to talk with you," said Neji.


"I would like to train you if you want."

"Really? To tell you the truth, I wanted to ask you a long time ago, but we weren't in the best relationship."

"Unfortunately, that is true, but Naruto and the words spoke to my soul. Let's not deal with our houses anymore."

"Do you feel that way too?"

"Of course, that’s why I want to train you. I’m really sorry about what I did to you."

"T-that’s all right. You don’t have to be sorry."

"You have always been so nice, Hinata-sama." Hinata smiled. 

Except that Hokage died, I was doing pretty well. But I didn't know yet what would happen to me and Naruto-kun…

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