Chapter 21

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Hinata has been training with Neji for a year now.
The training with Neji is going well, but Hinata is still unsure of her improvement. She decided to search her father's office.

There must be something here ... It just has to...

After a long examination, Hinata found a scroll.

"I ... I can't read it." She used her Byakugan and was able to read something.

"At the end of the Forest of Death ... secret kinjutsu of clan Hyuuga ... No one was able to achieve that until now ..."

Does that mean I can't either? No, I have to try it! But first I have to read it all!

Hinata trained her Byakugan more and more. She even asked Neji to train it with her. He agreed, but was confused why. After a while, Hinata saw beetles, even the smallest ones. She went on and on and began to see hard-to-see parasites. With this ability, she could help in the hospital ... But that was not enough for her. She was getting harder and harder on herself until one day she collapsed. She lay in the hospital for a few days and was forbidden to use her eyes.

Why am I doing this? Is it hopeless? Probably for a woman like me ... I began to fall into depression ... But ... I saw it ... I saw his face smiling at me and saying that I can do it ... Thank you ... Thank you for everything, Naruto-kun! A smile appeared on my face. And I began to feel confident about what I'm trying to do. In the end, I can do it ... I won't go back on my words because that's my ninja way too!

As soon as they released her, Hinata continued. Even her sister Hanabi noticed, how much hardworking her sister is.

"Why is she doing it?"

"Because of him!" said proudly Neji.


"Because of Naruto. He is the only one who can give her courage. Right now he is training hard too and that's what drives her on."

"I see ... Nee-sama, you are in love ... and for a long time..." thought Hanabi. She blushed at the thought and began to train hard too. Hinata has been her inspiration since her born. And she's not going to give up so easily either.

"One day she will be stronger than me..." thought proudly Neji. The months passed and Hinata grew and grew. So much that she no longer fit into her outfit. Her hair are long now. And her chest is bigger now too. She was embarrassed because of it, so now she was wearing a loose purple sweatshirt. Three-quarter dark blue pants and black sandals, only her headband remaining on her neck. She also continued to train. It's not easy to train your Byakugan to perfection. Neither Neji nor her father could do it ... But I know she can.

"I did it! I can see the cells now! I can see the blood flowing in my body. I can see microscopic organisms, molecules ... everything!" Hinata was very happy about it. So happy that she waited for the right moment and went to find the scroll again.

"At the end of the Forest of Death is living old member of the Hyuuga clan. She is over 150 years old and knows the secret techniques of Byakugan from Homury-san. Including secret kinjutsu of clan Hyuuga. No one was able to achieve that until now. She also doesn't give anything to anyone just for free. She must like you, and then maybe she'll teach you the techniques."

"This is it! This is how I become stronger!" The next day, Hinata set off. She left a message for her father, Hanabi and Neji. She also let Tsunade know that she would not be able to complete the missions for a while. Hiashi didn't care, Hanabi worried and Neji thought she went to visit Naruto. Tsunade was upset about it, but she wanted to give Hinata some freedom.

It is at the end of the Forest of Death. Just the thought is scary.

Author's note: The Perfect Byakugan works a bit like a microscope and an X-ray in one. She can zoom in and out at any time. She also sees inside living organisms. That's why it works as an X-ray. Hinata can see everything in the human body, etc.

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