Chapter 58

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"Sasuke!!!" yelled Naruto. Hinata stood by his side, not knowing what to say or do. Naruto then looked at Hinata.

"Sasuke is gone again…"

"I’m sorry."

"It's not your fault ... Thanks for saving Sakura-chan…"

"She is my friend too, right?" She smiled at him. He smirked, but then he remembered.

"So ... we broke up, right?" Hinata nodded.

"Don't you … want to get back together?"

"I'm sorry but no. I can't watch you constantly get in danger. And being with you ... It destroys me even more…"

"Aren't you happy with me?" he said sadly.

"N-no, it's not like that! I love you, it won't change, never, but when I see you suffer ... It hurts me too, you know?"

"I'm sorry, Hinata, but until I get Sasuke on our side, I can't promise you this."

"I see, so goodbye."

"Wait, where are you going?!"

"My training is not over yet, it will be useful in the war."

"Are you sure about the war? I don't want you to fight."

"Am I not strong enough? Do you also think that?!"

"No, you are really strong, I would say you are stronger than Neji."

"Then why?!"

"Those are your words, I love you and it hurts me to see you in danger." She looked at him sadly one last time.

"Goodbye." She said and went to see Hita.

"I screwed up this."

"Naruto, Hinata obviously cares a lot about you, Sasuke doesn’t. You should finally choose, otherwise you will hurt both her and yourself."


"I really like you together and I'm sorry how it turned out."

"Hinata is a great person, maybe she deserves someone better."

"You shouldn't say that, she loves you and it won't change." He smiled at him.

"You're right, I'll get Hinata back!" But suddenly Naruto disappeared. He was summoned from Mount Myoboku.

"Ahh, old toad Fugaku!" He hit him.

"Hey, I can handle Sage mode now!"

"I know!" he said.

"By the way, why did you summon me?"

"The Great Elder wants to talk to you."

"Really? About what?"

"You'll find out." Naruto came to the Great Elder.

"Finally you are here … ehh … ehh … who are you?"

"Uzumaki Naruto … I've told you maybe a million times…"

"Yeah, Naruto!"

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"I just saw a fragment of your future."

"Really, really?!"

"You will go on a long journey and meet an octopus…"


"Give him the key."

"Are you sure, Great Elder?"

"Jiraiya entrusted him to us. Now is the time."

"All right, Naruto, this is the key to releasing the seal. Thanks to that, you can gain Kyuubi's power…"

"Its power…"

"If you are not sure, you better not give your consent to own the key."

"My dad entrusted it to me. He believed in me when I was born. I can't betray his faith!" Naruto pressed his hand on the scroll.

"All right, your journey is just beginning." Naruto smirked.

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