Chapter 66

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After Shikaku's death, Shikamaru was not in the mood.

"Shikamaru, fight me!" said Temari.

"Temari, I was at my father's funeral now, I'm really not in the mood for this-." She kissed him on the cheek. He held his face and Temari blushed.

"You know, when we were kids, you promised me that."

"Fine," said Shikamaru. After their lengthy match, Temari won because Shikamaru gave up again.

"What kind of loser are you?" said Temari.

"Sorry, I'm not in full shape today."

"I understand that, I just wanted to cheer you up."

"You don't have to, just you being here keeps me alive." Temari blushed.

"Wouldn't you like to go to dinner?" asked Shikamaru.

"L-like a date?"


"Fine, but I warn you, dating me can be a drag." She winked at him.

"For me, a drag is everything except you." Temari blushed again.

"A-all right, I have to go now."

"Take care," said Shikamaru.

Choji, on the other hand, was already getting to know someone. Karui came to apologize personally to Naruto for what she had done to him. Raikage forced her. Suddenly she came across Choji.

"You, you're the fat guy from the war!" said Karui.

"Fat?!" Choji calmed down. It was a girl after all.

"My name is Choji."

"Choji, sure. Can you take me to Naruto?"

"I can." They arrived at Naruto's house and knocked on the door.

"Who can it be?" said Naruto.

"I'm going to look," said Hinata. A surprise awaited her when she opened it. Karui, the girl who massacred Naruto's face.

"W-what brings you here?" asked Hinata.

"You even live with him? Well, never mind, I just want to apologize to him." Naruto went to see who it was.


"I just want to apologize to you for that beforehand. It wasn't right of me."

"The apology is accepted, but I honestly didn't expect it from you."

"Raikage-sama forced me."

"It makes sense now, don't you want to go inside?"

"Not at all, Choji wanted to take me around the village. I didn't have a chance last time."


"Yeah, he is quite nice. See ya," said Karui and left. Choji took her around the village. They had a lot in common, even though it didn't look like much. They began to see each other more often.

Kiba wasn't left behind either. One day he met Tamaki and fell in love with her at first sight. Just that she loved cats and dogs attracted him to her.

Maybe you wanted TenTen to end up with Neji. Unfortunately, this will not happen in this story. But I have a surprise for you.

Neither TenTen nor Shino found anyone together. They were always overlooked by their friends and also did not play an important role in the war. In fact, they had a lot in common. Since all their friends were taken, even Rock Lee and Choji, they had no one. That's why they started to know each. They even did some missions together and found that they quite understood each other. Shino helped TenTen get through Neji's death, and TenTen assured him she would never ignore him again. They became closer and closer.

One day after a difficult mission, Ino invited Sai on a date and now they are dating.

But now we will talk about Hinata and Naruto.

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