Third Year

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Two Years Later


I was rushing through the wall to platform 9 3/4 after a blissfully long summer holiday for the third time. Last year had been... interesting, to say the least. First, my father escaped from Azkaban and I felt more hated than ever. Then it turned out he was in Hogwarts, and was caught, and then he was going to get the dementor's kiss. And the next thing I knew, Harry bloody Potter was telling me that he had escaped but that it was a good thing, because he was actually innocent and all. And then, Harry Potter was asking if he could be friends with me. And the worst part of it was that my own father, who I have never met in my life, didn't even bother coming to see me.

But I decided that this year was going to be different, better. I was going to try harder in my lessons, and I wasn't going to worry about my dad. After all, I had gone my entire life without him, why should I need him now?

I searched the platform for a glimpse of Luna's white-blonde hair but couldn't find it. I assumed that she was already on the train and started hauling my trunk across the platform. I eventually got onto the train and managed to drop my trunk onto my toes. I yelped at the excruciating pain that seemed to be pulsing through my feet due to the excessive weight of my trunk. A shock of messy black hair and emerald green eyes appeared in front of me, a concerned look covering the crinkled face.

"Hi, Ivy," the person spoke, whilst lifting my trunk onto the luggage rack, "are you ok?"

"oh, hi, Harry," I replied, highly embarrassed that Harry Potter saw me drop my trunk onto my own feet, "yeah, I'm ok, thank so much for helping."

"Oh, it's no problem," he replied, his eyes searching my face and then locking onto mine. My breath caught in my throat. His eyes were exceedingly bright and full of sadness and concern, "Are you sure you're ok, Ivy?"

"yes, absolutely," I laughed, even though that was a complete lie. My toes were still in excruciating pain and I wasn't even sure I could walk properly. I glanced down and my feet, and gave myself away. He looked at my feet, too, and realised that I was lying.

"No, you're not," he whispered in my ear. His face was uncomfortably close, but I chose to ignore it, "can you walk properly?"

I took a step and stumbled into the wall due to the pain. He smiled at me and lifted me up, slinging my arm around his shoulder. I hobbled down the corridor, supported by Harry, until we found the compartment that Luna was sat in. I opened the door and slung myself inside. I was about to thank Harry for helping, but when I looked up, he was already gone.

I groaned in pain and Luna shuffled up so that she was holding me and whispering that it was ok. Having Luna close to me was extremely comforting after that awkward encounter with Harry. I reached down to touch my toes and yelped at the pain my touch caused, jumping back up. As I pulled myself back up, my dark hair fell into my face, and I saw Lunas pale arm reach to tuck it behind my ears. Her touch was warm and kind, her flowery scent floating through the air.

"Don't hide your beautiful face, Ivy," she whispered into my ear, so close that I could feel her warm breath on my face, "be proud of it"

I gave her a small smile and enveloped her in a hug, which she eagerly returned. Here, I felt happy, comfortable. I didn't want to let go of her, but I knew it would seem weird if I held her for too long. I pulled away from her, but held her at arms length and looked deeply into her ocean blue eyes that were so filled with kindness. I was about to tell her that she was the only thing keeping me going in this hellhole of a school, but suddenly a familiar voice what outside the voice asking about getting something from the trolley.

I jumped away from Luna and hopped out into the corridor. At the same time as I left my compartment, Harry, who was apparently in the next door compartment, also jumped into the corridor and caught my eye. He gave me a quick smile before looking away. I ordered a few chocolate frogs and hopped back into the compartment, before sharing them with Luna.

When we finally got off the train, Luna helped me into one of the carriages and then to the hospital wing when we got to school. It turned out I had broken a few of my toes, which were quickly fixed and Madam Pomfrey speedily sent me to the great hall. I tried to enter the great hall as quietly as possible, but not to much success. The doors made an extremely loud noise as I opened them and all heads turned to look at me as I walked around the walls and sat down with Luna at the Ravenclaw table. As soon as I had sat down, everybody went back to eating their meals and I was able to talk to Luna in peace.

"Are you ok?" she murmured, a warm look in her eyes

"yeah, I'm fine Luna don't worry," I replied and smiled at her, trying to reassure her that I was ok.

I could feel somebody watching me, and looked up to see Harry staring at me with a strange look in his eyes. Was it awe? I wasn't sure. When he realised I had seen him staring, he turned red with embarrassment. I gave him a pitying smile and heard Luna say,

"Poor Harry."

On our way back to the Ravenclaw common room, I heard a sharp laugh and looked up to see a swish of fiery red hair and a pale freckly arm pointing in our direction. Ginny Weasley. Like always, she was surrounded by her group of 'friends' who all looked up at her like she was the absolute god of Hogwarts.

"would you look who it is?" she laughed, her voice raised, "Loony Lovegood and her little friend, the daughter of he who must not be named's most loyal follower"

I could feel the anger rise in my chest, and all I wanted to do was punch that stupid girl, but Luna put her arm in front of me, as if she knew what I was thinking. All of the people surrounding her laughed hysterically as if that was the funniest thing they had ever heard, and threw us dirty glances as we walked past them.

I guessed Ginny hadn't got the memo that we were all supposed to be friends now.

Or was it only Harry who wanted to be friends with me, and none of the others were going to be friendly with me? I had no clue, but I guess I never really did. I still didn't understand why I had been put into Ravenclaw, and no matter what rubbish Dumbledore had said to me on my first day at Hogwarts, it wasn't becoming any clearer.

Well, that's the next chapter, sorry that literally nothing is happening, I promise something interesting will Happen, also if you could comment and vote that would be really appreciated. Love you <3

side note: Cho Chang kind of doesn't really exist in this story so uhh yeah lmao. Oh and also sorry ginny is horrible, I promise I don't hate her shes actually one of my favourite charcters ahaha.

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