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Harry glanced down at the letter I was holding in my hands before grabbing my waist and pulling me into the deserted classroom we were stood right next to.

"do you still have feelings for me?" he blurted out, his eyes searching for any emotion on my face

"what-" I began, before being interrupted,

"do you still have feelings for me?" he repeated.

"Harry, this hardly relevant." I said, utterly confused

"just answer the question, Ivy." he muttered, sounding frustrated.

"I don't know." I sighed, "I don't think I ever did" and I really was telling the truth. I watched his face carefully to see reaction but nothing came. He had put back up his emotionless front, and there was no way of getting through it,

"whatever." he hissed, grabbing the letter from my hands and almost sprinting out of the classroom.

As I walked back to my dorm, I felt increasingly hurt by his reaction. It wasn't like I had been rude or told him straight up that I had no feelings for him, but the trouble was I wasn't sure if I had some feelings for him, but I had more feelings for Luna.

I shook my head, trying to understand how I had found myself in this position. Only one or two months ago, I hadn't felt anything towards Harry or Luna, and now I seemed to be somewhat attracted to them both. But in my confusion about this problem, I suddenly remembered what my father had said about how my mother would have been proud that I was sorted into Ravenclaw. That was it! She was the reason I was a Ravenclaw, clearly, my mother was also a Ravenclaw.

Elated by my sudden realisation, I skipped down the hallway, excited to tell Luna what I had discovered. But then, I heard an unpleasantly familiar voice shout my name, followed by raucous laughter. I looked up to find Ginny, once again surrounded by a massive group of people.

"and where do you think you're going?" she questioned, her voice once again raised.

"Ravenclaw common room" I mumbled

"I'm sorry? Didn't quite catch that one" more laughter.

"Ravenclaw common room" I said, making sure to raise my voice a bit

"what, so you can see little loony Lovegood?" one of the boys called out

Ginny looked at the boy with a piercing glare, and he shrank back behind everyone else.

I nodded my head and said nothing, hoping to avoid trouble.

"Well, Black," Ginny began, emphasising the black, "I don't think we're going to let you get away that easily, are we?"

She looked around the crowd of people surrounding her, before locking eyes with The boy who had spoken up and nodding her head.

He walked towards me, before whispering fiercely in my ear "If you want to see your little girlfriend again I suggest you don't put up a fight"

I wanted to retort, but I had no clue what he was capable of, and decided to stay quiet. He suddenly grabbed my arm, wringing his hands around it and twisting the skin, causing an incredibly painful burning sensation to flare up.

I yelped and he pulled the skin harder as I pushed back the tears, my throat growing sore. He let go of my arm and it fell back to my side, limply hanging there as he grinned at me, and evil spark in his eye.

"Come on, let's go before a teacher comes across the sorry sight of Black" Ginny grumbled to him, and the whole pack of them walked off, leaving me alone.

I remained in the corridor until the pain subsided and continued my journey to the Ravenclaw common room, still excited to tell Luna but not quite as bouncy.

The rest of the year was reasonably uninteresting. I exchanged many letters with my Father and gradually grew to love him. Ginny and her friends continued to torment us, and even stole Luna's clothes.

And then, there was Cedric. I think his death shocked and scared all of us. I hadn't known Cedric very well, but he seemed like an extremely kind person, and he didn't deserve what he got. For the rest of the year after his death, I couldn't get his father's pained screams out of my head. I couldn't get the image of Harry clinging to his dead body and having to be dragged away out of my head. I couldn't shake the ever remaining feeling of shock and horror that settled over the crowd that day.

I had never even spoken to Cedric, but I felt numb. How could such a terrible thing happen to such a kind person with such a loving family? How could somebody be so messed up in the head that they didn't even think twice about killing somebody? It made me feel physically sick just thinking about that, and every now and then, I would catch a glimpse of the pain in Harry's eyes and I knew that I wasn't the only one feeling this way.

And then came the summer. I always looked forward to the summer holidays, to eight weeks of blissful laziness. But this year wasn't quite what I had expected.

I returned to platform 9 3/4 to see only my Dad, my Mum nowhere in sight and his eyes red and puffy from crying. He smiled at me and didn't talk until we got home when he broke the news to me.

My Mum had been ill for years, we all knew it, but I had never expected for her life to end so soon. I had always thought that she would see me through my years at Hogwarts if not into my adult life, but I guess I was wrong.

I couldn't bring myself to look at her body during the funeral and I could barely listen to the service, chocking back tears as my Dad said his piece. My black dress seemed to hang limply around me, making me look stupid in a way she never would have allowed, and I felt bad for showing up to her funeral in the stupid shaped dress, but I couldn't find anything else.

I tried to enjoy the summer as best as I could, but I couldn't have fun without feeling guilty about it when I thought of my Mum, so I resigned myself to sending letters to Luna and staying in the house, doing nothing.

Woo well that's the end of that chapter, sorry it was lowkey depressing umm yeah but I hope you enjoyed it, and I would really appreciate it if you could vote and comment :)

I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening! <3

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