The Ministry

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After what happened in the summer holidays, all I wanted was to be with Luna again, but for some reason that I will never understand, Ginny Weasley chose this year to make friends with us. Of course, Luna, being the forgiving and kind person that she is, instantly forgave Ginny and made friends with her. However, I couldn't help noticing that she was acting as though she hadn't mentally and physically bullied both of us for three years, and I wondered if the others actually knew what she could be like. I pretended to forgive her, for the sake of everybody else, but inside I couldn't forgive her for what she had done to me.

Months went by without bullying, and I started to do a lot better in my lessons and was given many less detentions than I usually would. I didn't speak to Harry all year, and he made no attempt to speak to me. In a way it solidified my feeling that I didn't like him, but I also felt bad, i wanted to talk to him and be friends with him again, but he clearly didn't want to, so I left it alone.

I continued exchanging letters with my Father, and I started to feel a genuine connection to him, like I had known him my whole life. I felt the happiest I had ever felt in this hellhole of a school, but every now and then the memories of my mother would enter my mind, like a stab in the chest.

At one point during the summer term, Ginny and Hermione came running towards Luna and I, panicked looks on their faces.

"It's your dad," Hermione panted, "Harry saw him-" she paused, "Harry saw him being tortured by you-know-who."

She squinted her eyes at me, clearly searching for my reaction, a sympathetic look on her face.

"what can we do to help?" I said finally, glancing at Luna, who nodded, with a comforting smile.

"follow us" Ginny piped up, and we all ran down the corridors

After a massive argument with Harry, we flew on the thestrals to the ministry and sprinted towards the department of mysteries. We searched every room and corridor and shelf to find my Father, but he was nowhere to be found. After a while, realisation dawned upon us that Sirius wasn't here, but it was too late. Just as Harry took a prophecy off one of the shelves, multiple death eaters appeared, around us.

After Harry's refusal to hand over the prophecy, we ran for it, eventually ending up in another room. It was empty, but there were sounds coming from the archway in the centre of the room, where a veil hung. I thought we were alone and my heart started to steady it's pace, but then the death eaters appeared. They flew around us, and I found myself being restrained by one of them, his wand pressed hard into my forehead. I turned my head ever so slightly to see if Luna was alright, but she seemed perfectly calm.

Lucius Malfoy was talking to Harry, his hand stretched out, asking for the prophecy. Neville shouted at Harry not to, but he wasn't listening. He stretched out his arm, and placed the glass ball into Malfoy's hand.

Suddenly the order of the phoenix, who I had heard so much about in my father's letters, were apparating and freeing us from the tight grasps of the death eaters. Among them was Sirius.

"Dad!" I shouted, running through the chaos towards him. He pulled me into a quick hug and ran of to fight one of the death eaters. I searched the room for Luna, and saw her running to the side of the room with Tonks and Ginny. I tried to cross the room to get to her, but I couldn't make it through, and ended up at the other edge of the room.

My dad and Harry seemed to be fighting off all the death eaters in the centre of the room. It seemed like the death eaters had lost, like it was finished. And Harry and Sirius were grinning, but then Bellatrix appeared. And she screamed something, and a flash of green light appeared, and Harry's face fell. I could just see my dad falling into the veil, and he was gone.

I fell to the floor, motionless, frozen. I knew tears were dripping down my face, but I didn't feel sad. I didn't feel anything. I was completely and utterly numb. Luna had found her way to me, and she was holding me, and I could see her mouth moving, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. And whilst everybody was paying attention to Harry, and comforting Harry, and holding back Harry, I just sat there. I sat there and held Luna, because she was the only thing in this place that seemed real. She felt warm and kind in my arms, and I couldn't let go.

Eventually, we were back our dorm room, listening as the rain splashed against the window panes and the moon lit up the sky. Luna gave me a dreamy look, then took my hand and lead me outside, into the courtyard. She lay down on the wet ground and motioned for me to do the same. The ground was cold and wet, but I didn't mind. I could feel each individual droplet as it splashed onto my tear-stained cheeks, and washed away a small portion of the pain that this experience had placed on my shoulders. I turned my neck to look at Luna and she looked incredibly serene and beautiful. The moonlight reflected on her pale skin, making her face glow.

She also turned her head to look at me, and gave me a small smile.

"you're beautiful, Ive" she whispered in my ear, her face extremely close to mine.

"nowhere near as beautiful as you" I whispered back into her ear.

She rolled over so that she was lying on top of me and gave me a dreamy smile. I returned the smile and she placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Her moonlight blonde hair fell around her face, and I lifted my head up, to tuck it behind her ear. I leaned my face closer to hers and placed my lips on hers. She kissed me back and stroked my hair.

"Don't Leave" I mumbled through her lips, aware that she might roll back onto the ground at any moment.

She pulled away from me and her blue eyes were so full of love.

"I will never leave"

well, there you go, that's the end of the story haha. Sorry It's really short, it's my first book, but if you liked it, please vote and comment I would really appreciate it! Hope you're doing good <3

February updates: Hi! thank you all so much for 2k reads I honestly never thought I would even get 100 reads and I'm so grateful. Oh, and have a great morning/afternoon/evening :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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