The Yule Ball

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The autumn term went by in a flurry of the foreign students arriving, dull lessons, nights spent doing homework until one in the morning, countless detentions with Snape, everybody throwing me judgemental looks, Ginny and her friends laughing hysterically at Luna and I, Luna comforting me, Harry acting strangely around me, and the dragon task.

By the end of the term, I was exhausted, but the excitement around the yule ball kept me going. In the last few weeks before Christmas, everybody was asking people out to the ball, but nobody had so much as thought about asking me. I thought about going with Luna as friends, but soon realised that it had to be a girl and a boy, so that option was off the list.

In the last few days before we broke up, I was starting to loose hope. I was scared that nobody was going to ask me, and that I would have to turn up alone. But then again, what had I expected? The only friend I had was Luna, and we couldn't even go as friends because we were both girls.

On the last day of term, I was making my way to the great hall for dinner, when a warm hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom. I was met by a familiar pair of emerald green eyes and messy black hair.

"is everything ok harry?" I questioned him, slightly shocked at the frightened look in his eyes

he looked at me, slowed his breathing, and looked me in the eyes.

"Ivy Black," he began, "will you come to the Yule Ball with me?"

I was elated that somebody was actually asking me that question and responded at once.

"Absolutely," I replied, "yes, Harry, I would love to!"

He looked like he was over the moon, and he grabbed me into a tight hug, which I joyously returned.

"But just as friends right?" I asked, suddenly aware of how close he was.

His face fell, but only for a moment, before he covered it up with a grin. "Yes, Of course."

On the day of the Yule Ball, I was simply buzzing with excitement. Luna helped me get ready, doing my hair and zipping up my beautiful silver ball gown. Her hands felt soft and kind against my skin as she did up the zip. She swivelled me around and Looked into my eyes.

"you know, Ive," she began, in her dreamy voice, "your dress matches perfectly with the beautiful silver flecks in your eyes"

"thanks, Lu." I smiled, beyond grateful to have such a wonderful person as my best friend, but sad that she wasn't coming to the ball with me.

"now go," she whispered into my ear, and I was aware of how close her face was to mine, but I didn't mind it, "go have a great time with Harry". She nudged me ever so slightly, and I smiled at her, then left the room.

By the time I got to the entrance Hall outside the great hall, Harry was stood there, clearly waiting for me to arrive. When he saw me, he audibly gasped and his mouth fell open. I walked up to him and whispered out of the corner of my mouth,

"please stop gaping, Harry."

"oh, sorry." He mumbled, going red.

"No, don't worry about it." I laughed and he calmed down slightly.

"you look..." He paused, searching for the right word to use, "you look exquisite, Ive."

I blushed furiously. Ive. Only Luna called me Ive, it just seemed like such a personal name, but I guess we were friends now, so I didn't mind him saying it.

McGonagall came along and told us that we had to enter the hall with the other champions, and we did so. Walking in there, with the whole school and other schools watching us, whilst Harry messed up the dance was extremely embarrassing, but once other people started to join in, I felt a lot better. In fact, dancing with harry, being so close to him whilst doing exercise and watching everybody else grin broadly was exhilarating. In those moments, I felt so happy, so alive.

After about an hour straight of dancing, Harry whispered in my ear.

"Come on, Ive," He said, "I know somewhere we can go."

He snuck out through the doors of the great hall and I trailed behind him, the exitement of breaking the rules heightening my heart beat as we raced down the corridor. He found and empty classroom and gestured for me to enter it, before magically locking the door.

I sat down on one of the desks, and Harry followed and sat opposite me.

"Har-" I began, unsure of what was about to happen, but before I had the chance to continue, he pressed his lips against mine.

I didn't know how to feel. I liked the sensation of kissing someone, but it didn't feel right.

Not with him.

His hands were warm and soft as he cupped my face in his comforting hands, and pulled me in so that I lay my head on his chest.

I could feel his heart beating steadily under his dress robes, a soft thumping in my ear. It was comforting, but at the same time not. It didn't feel bad or uncomfortable, it just didn't feel correct. Me and Harry Potter, it felt wrong, like the combination didn't work, but I loved the feel of him so close to me. He tipped his head and placed a light kiss on my forehead. I smiled awkwardly up at him, and looked into his bright green eyes, so full of kindness and admiration for the person he was looking at, but then my mind was seeing blue eyes. And his lips were on mine and I didn't want to pull away, but all I could think about was Luna. All I could see were her ocean blue eyes and all I could feel were her soft hands caressing my shoulders. And I hated it. I didn't know what was happening but I had to leave.

I jumped away from Harry and I saw his face fall.

"I'm sorry, Harry" I muttered, "I just can't do this"

He looked sad, confused, "I don't understand-" He began

"It just can't happen. I'm sorry."

His face hardened as he stood up. "Fine."

"I'm really sorry." I pleaded, but there was no getting through to him when he was angry.

He turned his head away from me, and I ran back to my dorm, tears forming in my eyes. What the hell just happened? Since when was I attracted to Luna? I was confused, and upset, but I couldn't possibly tell Luna why I was upset.

I sighed. Why did I have to fall in love with my best friend?

Well, I hope you enjoyed that chapter, I honestly don't really know where I'm going with this story but I'll figure it out lmao. Once again, please comment and vote, it would be really appreciated. Have a good day <3

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