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I was in utter shock that Wilbur asked me. I have been dying to compete in one for forever because I always loved watching them and picking a perspeective to watch. 

"Are you two being serious right now?" I asked. 

"Someone can't make it and they asked me if I knew anyone who would be willing to take their spot this MCC. I knew I had to ask," Wilbur answered. 

"Tommy is he being serious?" I asked on the edge of my seat. 

"Yes! Do you want to know who's team you will be on?" 

"YES!" I screamed jumping out of my chair and dancing around. 

"You will be on a team with me, Tommy, and Dream," Wilbur announced slowly. 

Dream? I was going to be playing with Dream? I know Tommy and Wilbur are on his SMP and talk to him but I was actually going to be talking to him. He is every Minecraft streamers dream to talk to. I was in complete shock. 

"Dallon?" Wilbur called out. 

"I think you killed her Will," Tommy laughed out. 

"Dream?" I whispered and they heard me. 

"Dream is a bitch. Don't worry about him," Tommy laughed and I could hear him take a drink of what was probably his coke. 

"Yeah it will be us and then Dream. I promise it won't be bad, it will be super fun. So will you be joining us this MCC?" 

I was freaking out but I didn't want to lose this opportunity playing MCC so I obviously said, "Yes, I will be joining you guys." 



thanks for reading :) next couple of chapters will be longer than these. I just need to do these before I go onto longer and better ones !! 

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