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I couldn't sleep all night last night. I kept thinking about MCC and either how well or awful it could go. Teams would be released today since they filled that spot with me. I woke up to a text from Wilbur. 

wilbur .0.

teams get released today :0

dallon :) 

i know, i couldn't sleep at all last night.

wilbur .0.

it will be perfectly fine gallon. dream has won and so have me and tommy so it's not like we will be missing out ya know? practice parkour warrior if you want to. show dream up lol

dallon :)

oh my god you are so right. i should stream that today you never cease to amaze me will :)

wilbur .0.

you should, if it's alright with you I might join your vc later on if you stream

dallon :)

no will you can't join


wilbur .0.   

rude. ttyl dallon 

I set my phone back down on my side table and walked out to the living room. Arden was laying on the couch and was eating cereal. 

"Look who decided to wake up this morning," Arden had a bright smile. Such a morning person. 

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and a monster out of the fridge. I sat down next to Arden. 

"Are you streaming today? Or are you going to be factiming Ivy?" Arden asked chomping down on his cereal. 

"One chew with your mouth closed. Two no to the Ivy thing she has to work today unless it's later tonight I'll be streaming. Do you want to guess what?" I answered. 

"Minecraft like always. Something with Wilbur?" He guessed. 

"MCC. Arden I get to be in this MCC. I'm practicing since it will be on Saturday. Wilbur will probably join for a bit though," I smiled and Arden set his bowl down and gave me a huge hug. 

"Dallon! That's amazing. Holy shit.  So who are you teaming with?" 

"Wilbur, Tommy, and Dream." 

"DREAM! You are fucking kidding Dallon!" 

"No I'm not and I am very, very scared and nervous." 

"I guess I will watch the stream by myself and cheer you on. Dallon this is incredible I'm so fucking proud of you." 

"Thank you Arden. That means a lot," I almost wanted to start crying. Arden has been there for me since the start. He helped pitch in to get my first stream set up and has helped ever since. I couldn't ask for a better younger brother. I remember when he was helping me put my desk together and everything. 

"I better let the soon to be winner get ready for her stream." Arden smiled and left his bowl sitting on the coffee table. 

I picked it up cause I knew he wouldn't. Later on in the day the teams were announced and all of my fans went crazy that I would be competing. 


dallon :) @ starlvr 

so what do we think guys? :) 

- Wilbur Soot @ WilburSoot

pretty pog if you ask me

- TommyInnit @ tommyinnit


- Tubbo @ TubboLive

yes dallon !

- Dream @ Dream

excited, hbu ? 

-- celeste @ celestelvr


-- jack @ catboy921

winners pov?

Real Life  

I know I was seeing that right. Dream actually interacted with me. I mean we were going to be talking soon but why did I care so much? I never watch his videos. I heard my phone vibrate and it was Ivy. 

ivy <3


dallon :)

I KNOW! also I'm sorry :( I don't even know what to think but it's HUGE AND I'M SCARED. I'M PRACTICING LATER ON STREAM.

ivy <3 

i have to go back to work but I'll try and watch your stream or we can talk more later. love you lots !!!!

dallon :)

love you too ivy <3

Once I sent the text and just as I was getting ready to get ready to stream I noticed I was added into a group chat.  



a longer chapter :) next one will be fun ! super excited for the next couple! 

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