William's Sibling Stream

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- dallon :) @ starlvr

streaming a very special stream soon!

definitely worth a watch

- Wilbur Soot @ WilburSoot

ooo secretive

- TommyInnit @ tommyinnit

i will not be watching

- dallon :) @ starlvr 

that's not nice tommy :(

- karl :) @ KarlJacobs_

i will be watching !

- dallon :) @ starlvr

@ tommyinnit karl knows whats up

- TommyInnit @ tommyinnit


- Dream @  Dream


- Tubbo @ TubboLive

wouldn't miss it dallon :))))




what are you streaming ?

dallon :)

none of your business  

wait till I stream



any hints ?

dallon :)

it's something i haven't done in a very long time




wilbur .0.

what's the stream dallon

dallon :)

gosh everyone is so nosey

not telling 

wilbur .0.

i got you into MCC please

dallon :)


i'm streaming with Arden like old times

wilbur .0. 


I remember those streams 


dallon :)

bye wilbur got to go setup !


"You got it?" I asked Arden as he sat at his computer in the vc waiting for me to go back to my computer. 

"Yes Dallon. You can go now," He shooed me off. 

I booted up my stream and made sure everything was in check and I sent out a tweet with a link to the stream. 

"What is up chat? We are doing something a little different but also not different. I have my brother here and waiting in a vc to stream with me today! If you are old watcher then you know I used to stream with him a lot. We decided to bring it back and play some bedwars together. Arden say hello." 

"Hello chat!" He said and my chat went crazy. 

We got the stream started and we got into some games and we had chat ask us some questions. 

Wilbur donated five dollars and asked, "How old is Arden?"

"I am 17 and Dallon is 21," He answered. 

We had some other questions asked. Karl, Sapnap, Tubbo, and even Tommy asked questions. But things started to get interesting when Dream donated. I noticed it came through and he had donated 500 dollars and he asked, "who is the superior sibling" 

My jaw dropped, "Dream holy shit. Thank you oh my god. It's obviously me."

"What?" Arden asked. 

"Dream donated 500 and asked who is the superior sibling." 

"Woah now where is my 500 dollars and no it is not you."

"I definitely am the superior sibling."

"No. Just because you talk to Dream and everyone else on the Dream SMP it doesn't make you superior." 

"Hmm okay..." I paused and said something under my breath he couldn't hear, "I still am." 

A couple minutes after that a 500 dollar dono came through from Dream again, "give this to Arden, he mentioned me out of everyone :)". 

"What a leo," I said to chat. 




i love writing Arden and Dallon chapters :) anyways will be updating tomorrow !!

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