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I was extremely bored and Ivy was at her little sisters concert and I was alone at the house. I was going to hang out with Arden but he was at his friends house. 

I was going to go stream but I seen Sapnap already was so I went to go watch it. He was by himself for a while then Dream and George joined him and started talking. It was more background noise while I cleaned our apartment. 

I realized I wasn't following him so I automatically did that once I noticed. I have been so busy I didn't notice I wasn't. Obviously it went through on his end and he got all petty and texted me to join there vc. I changed my location to my bedroom and started cleaning there while I talked to them. 

I heard the ping saying I entered, "Hello boys." 

"DALLON! Why weren't you followed?" Sapnap screamed through the call. 

"To be fair I just became your friend not that long ago and I don't watch streams that often anymore so I didn't even look. I don't sub to very many people either, I kind of just did my own thing for a while," I explained. 

"Okay fair enough, I'll let you go free this time," Sapnap said. 

"Wait Dallon are you following me and Dream?" George spoke up. 

"To be honest I don't know hang on," I said getting on my phone and I looked and I wasn't following either of them. "Now I am." 

"WHAT! Okay I get not following George but ME!" Dream yelled and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"To be fair Dream you don't even stream anymore," I laughed out and could barely breathe. We all started laughing at my response. I thought Dream was going to die from his wheeze he let out. 

"I can't even come back with anything," Dream said after calming down. 

"Dalton what have you been up to today?" Sapnap changed the subject. 

"I have been cleaning my apartment and being very bored out of my mind until I saw you were streaming and then I started watching." 

"Wow so sweet. Surprised you didn't call Dream." Sapnap said. 

"What are you talking about?" Dream asked before I could. 

"What don't you guys like call each other a lot. Usually when we text you to get on teamspeak you are already talking to Dallon."

"Okay well we just talk its not all the time," Dream stuttered. 

"Sapnap are you jealous you don't get to call me all the time?" I asked trying to change the subject a bit. 

"Actually yes I am," He decided on the spot. 

"Aw well I'll dm you my number. George do you want mine?" I asked. 

"George doesn't give out his number easy Dallon. It took so much convincing between me and Quackity to give it to us," Sapnap scoffed. 

"Hmm yeah give it to me," George said and his voice sounded more tied since the last time he spoke up. 

"WHAT! WHAT THE FUCK GEORGE!" Sapnap yelled. 

"Dallon supremacy that's all I can say," He mumbled. 

We continued to talk for a while on stream but I decided to leave since I had other things to do around the apartment so I said my goodbyes to them. 



hey I'm sorry for what sapnap said and all that especially after everything that happened. i just wanted to say sorry

dallon :)

aww it's okay I wasn't that bothered by it anyways

unless you were then I'm sorry and I'm sorry for the speed running joke


it's okay it was really funny and I was caught off guard

also tomorrow plan for a really cool stream okay? 

i have something planned for you tomorrow but i need the boys help

dallon :)

ooo so for once I'm not the one with secrets :0



i am now ;)

also it was fun talking to you on stream i always enjoy it

dallon :)


i'm glad we became really close friends

i hope you see it that way too


i definitely have 

it makes my day when I talk to you

dallon :)

i can't wait till we meet


me too :) 

goodnight dallon <3 

dallon :)

goodnight dream <3





ooo is that relationship development? next one will be a filler so we can have a couple huge plot chapters stay tuned! 

don't forget to vote, comment and share it means a lot !

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