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"Are you sure you're okay?"

Harper jumped at the sound of Angie's voice, plastering a fake smile on her face as she looked up from the dish she was drying in her hand. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised to hear her best friend's voice when she was standing in her kitchen "I'm fine!"

"And that sounded so genuine!"

She rolled her eyes as she placed the dish into the cupboard "You're fussing again," she said in a sing song tone as she joined Angie back at the sink "I'm fine, honestly."

But she wasn't fine. Ever since Bucky Barnes had stormed out of her apartment she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind and she hadn't even caught a glimpse of him again. She found herself waiting at the office even later than usual in the hope that he would pop by to see the exhibit again and keeping her eye on every single shadowed corner and doorway hoping for a glimpse of silver.

She had been pouring over her Captain America research instead of sleeping. Obsessing over the small details she may have missed about James Buchanan Barnes when she had been writing up her findings.

She wanted to be prepared for whenever he showed up again, wanted to have the answer to any question he may have ready and waiting.

And yet she still hadn't dared to take a glance in the file sent over to her by the Black Widow. She knew what was going to be in there. Details on The Winter Soldier, how they kept him frozen, how they wiped his memories, the missions he was sent on...


"Yes?" she said shaking her head and bringing herself back into the room.

"You were spacing out again," Ange said, placing her hands on her hips and looking to Harper with her eyebrows raised "Seriously, you are okay aren't you? Do you need to stay here tonight?"

Harper hated worrying Ange. The older woman had been there for her when no one else had and she wished for once that she felt as though she didn't need to worry herself sick over her. Ange had enough to deal with, with Georgie and Riley.

Taking in a deep breath Harper nodded, this time a genuine smile coming to her face as she reached out to squeeze Ange's hand "I'm fine," she insisted "In fact, I can make my own way home tonight."

With her eyes widening with worry Ange shook her head "Jack doesn't min-"

But Harper cut her off by holding her hands up and letting out a chuckle "You guys do enough for me as it is," she said shaking her head "If it helps I'll text you every few minutes until I'm safely in my apartment."

Ange laughed as she reached out to pull Harper into a tight hug "I know you're kidding but I actually want you to do that," she said in a quiet tone before they pulled apart and the two of them made their way to the front door "Get the bus, don't walk," she warned as Harper pulled on her coat.

She rolled her eyes but smiled "That was what I was planning anyway," she said buttoning up her black jacket before she plucked her bag from where it was hanging on the end of the bannister and slung it onto her shoulder "Tell the kids and Jack I said bye?" she asked as she stepped forward to pull Ange into another hug. She had stayed later than usual so Jack was upstairs getting Riley to go to bed instead of being there to wave her off.

"I will," she said as she followed Harper to the door, leaning on the frame as the blonde made her way down the path and pulled her earphones from out of her pocket "Be careful!"

"Go inside," Harper called back with a smile and a wave "It's cold out here!"

She slowed her walk down until she was sure Ange was safely inside before she placed her earphones into her ears, plugged them into her phone and set up her playlist.

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