Seeing Double(More Than Usual)

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Rose’s POV

Harry and I waited for the Order. I can’t believe that this is the last day we have at Private Drive. The Last day of Mum’s safety Charm. The Last day that I will ever see me mum’s sister.

I heard a knock at the door and pulled out my wand, Harry did the same. We stepped closer to the door and Harry pulled open the door and we saw Mad eye.

“Good evening you two.’ He said as he walked in I lead him into the living room. I saw Hermione and Ron walk in nodded at them and they did the same I then saw Fleur and I ran up to her and hugged her. (I wasn’t good friends with Ron and Hermione but when we had the Triwizard tournament I became really close with Fleur).

“Oh Rosie, I missed you!” she said

“Oh Fleur I can’t believe you are getting married in a month!”

“Oh I know-“

“This is no time for a reunion ladies” interrupted Mad eye. I nodded and stepped back. I heard familiar snicker. I turn around and see a red head with a matching sidekick.

“Freddie!!” I run over to him and jump into his arms. He picks me up and holds me for a couple of seconds. He puts me down and kisses my forehead. I smile and stand beside him as Mad Eye starts explaining what we were doing tonight. Fred took my hand and squeezed then I hear Mad eye finish the plan.

“What No, No not one person in this room is getting hurt for us.” I spoke up stepping forward. Harry nodded in agreement.

“I will never let anyone else get hurt because of us” said Harry

““You two will do as I say!” said Mad eye.

“Rosie just listen to him. We all came here willingly because we wanna help you guys.” said Fred. He took my hands and looked me in the eye. I finally nodded and looked at Harry. He agreed…and that is when things got awkward. Fred kissed me again and yanked out some of my hair. He whispered sorry in my ear as Mad eye put the hair in one cup and Harry’s hair in another. My cup was passed around to Fleur, Hermione, and One of Fleur’s cousins who we knew would never turn us in because well she is a squib and has taken an unbreakable vow. Ron, Fred and George drank Harry’s cup. As the girls changed I held up a blanket so no one could well see me naked. After everyone was changed and ready to go we left. I rode with Tonks and Harry rode with Hagrid. We then took off.

~After Tonks and Rose landed At the Weasley’s~

“Rose? Is that you?” I heard Ginny call to me and Tonks.

“Yes, Ginny it is me and Tonks is with me!” I shouted back. I was in so much pain one of the Death Eaters hit me with the Crusio Curse. I was able to fight it off but it was a lot of work. Tonks ended up killing them. After seeing Tonks kill the Death Eater. My scar began to burn. I knew that it meant Voldemort had Found Harry and they were fighting. Then the pain just vanished.

Ginny and Tonks helped me into the Burrow and Mrs. Weasley had set up a nursing bed for me. I laid back and finally began to catch my breath when I realized that that Tonks and I were the firsts ones back. I sat straight up and got dizzy.

“Rose you lay back down and don’t worry about the others they will be here.” She gave me some water and told me to drink it when we heard someone else yell for Mrs. Weasley. She rushed outside and came back in with Hagrid and Harry. Harry rushed over to me.

“Rosie are you okay?”

“Harry I’m fine…how did he know it was you?”

“Hedwig... she tried to save me…” he said.

“Harry, I am sorry I can’t believe… I am just glad you are alive.” I said to him

“Harry Come here and help me bring George inside!”  We heard Lupin yell. Harry ran outside and I grabbed some pillows and put them on the couch. Harry and Lupin put George down and Mrs. Weasley started to heal him as best as she could.

“Will he be okay Lupin?” I asked while holding onto Harry.

“Yes he will he just won’t ever have that ear again” said Lupin. I nodded and walked over to the window and waited for everyone else to arrive. Bill and Fleur arrived with the news that mad eye had been killed and Mungundus disappeared. Everyone but Fred and Mr. Weasley had arrived. I waited still by the window. Finally I saw two red heads walking to the Burrow. I ran outside and pulled out my wand and pointed it at Fred’s throat.

“What was the first Weasley Wheezes product I ever tested out that worked?” I shouted.

“You tested out the Fair Hair Mood Changing Shampoo, which you made the potion.” He said with a smirk, “Your hair turned pink which means you were in Love. It was the night that you and I told each other that we loved each other.” He took my hands and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. I then remembered George.

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