Too little, Too late

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 "Ethan can you please throw away the trash" asked Ashley nicely.

"Sure mom" said Ethan as he rolled his eyes.

"Do not roll your eyes at me mister." Ethan opened the door without shoes on and in the meanwhile CJ looked for his Football.

"Mom have you seen my football?"

"No, I haven't seen it, maybe it's outside" CJ went outside and looked for the Football.

"Ethan, did you see my football?"

"Why are you asking me?" replied Ethan to CJ still bothered by him. As CJ and Ethan were looking for the Football, a white truck approached them.

"Ethan you might take a look behind the cars if you do not mind"

"Sure" said Ethan as he rolled his eyes at the same time.

"I do not see any-" Ethan started screaming but a man just covered Ethan's mouth with his hands.

"Well I do not see-" at that moment his heart stopped beating, he could not move didn't know how to move.

"E-Eth-Ethan!!!" screamed CJ as loud as he could.

"Mom, Dad!!" screamed CJ as he ran towards Ethan.

Ashley and Noah however were not able to hear CJ because they had music playing in the house.

"Honey can you please turn that down, I hear something outside" as Noah turned down the volume of the music, they heard CJ screaming for help.

"Mom, Dad!" repeated CJ everytime.

Noah ran to the door, opened it and saw both, CJ and Ethan get dragged into the truck.

"Ethan, CJ!... Ashley call the cops!"

Noah ran towards his sons hoping he could save them, however the truck got away. In one day, after having a fun movie night, everything went from fun to the worst day of their lives.

"911 What is your Emergency?" Ashley started crying before she could even tell the officer what had just happened.

"I can't, I- I can't" said Ashley crying.

"911 What is your Emergency?" repeated the officer on the other line.

Noah picked up the phone and took a deep breath.

"Yes, this is Noah Miller, and my two sons have just been kidnapped." said Noah as he breathed in deeply, nearly having a breakdown.

"May I get the address?" Noah closed his eyes and took another deep breath and told the dispatcher the address.

"The officers are on their way sir, just hold on"

Noah and Ashley, both hugged each other and cried as they have never had before.

Waiting for the cops took forever, as if they have been waiting for years. From a distance, Noah and Ashley could hear the sirens and see the blue lights. For them it felt like everything was in slow motion, the car approaching them, the sirens, the lights and time.

"Are you Noah Miller?" asked a police officer.

"Yes I am and this is my wife, Ashley Miller." After letting the Police Officers enter the house they asked both Ashley and Noah to describe their sons. Ashley and Noah described how they looked like and what they were wearing when they got kidnapped.

They gave the Police Officer a photo of each son and the police officer left the house and the Emergency Broadcast response issued an Amber Alert for the boys. Now you could see Signs and Alerts across the nation.

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