Silently destroyed

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As the sunshine went through the window and shone into Levi's eyes, he slowly opened his eyes and yawned. Levi looked to the right and saw Tyler sleeping deeply. Levi looked at him and smiled thinking to himself that he really needed that sleep.

"Good morning sunshine" greeted Levi's mom her son that had a terrible hairstyle with a big smile.

"Good morning mom" Levi said and approached to his mom giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"How is Tyler?" asked Sydney and looked into those hazel brown eyes Levi had.

"He is sleeping deeply like he is dead to the world" said Levi and rubbed his head.

Mrs. Adams flipped a pancake. "Aww well I hope he had a good sleep" and takes a sip of her orange juice.

"Where is dad?" asked Levi and sat down at the island.

"He had to go to work" added Levi's mom and handed him a plate with 3 pancakes on it.

"But it's saturday morning?" said Levi and poured Syrup over his pancakes.

"Yeah, something happened at work and he had to jump in" explained Sydney.

"Morning, what is that smell?" said Tyler with a frazzled voice as he came sneaking into the kitchen.

"Morning Tyler, I'm making pancakes" said Mrs. Adams and Tyler looked at her with big eyes and rushed to the island and took a seat. She handed him also three pancakes and they started eating.

"This is amazingly good, I totally forgot you own a bakery" That's right, Sydney Adams owned a bakery called "The Bakery." It's an old one but in a good condition. It has a retro but also a modern look. She's owned that bakery for almost 5 years now, and it is one of the best bakeries in town.

"I'm glad you like it, Tyler" replied Sydney and saw Tyler taking a big bite of his pancake.

"So boys what are y'all going to do today?" asked Sydney as she opened the fridge and took out a yogurt.

"Well, I have to go home and finish some stuff" Tyler said as his mouth was filled with pancakes knowing he won't do anything. The boys finished eating and left the table. Tyler went down stairs and put on his shoes.

"Thank you guys for having me" shouted Tyler across the house.

"You Welcome bud" shouted Sydney back. Levi and Tyler gave a goodbye handshake and he left, Levi still stood at the porch and watched him as he went back home.

"Boys!" yelled Steven and approached the door along with Joe. As they opened the door, they grabbed each boy's arm. Ethan panicked and started screaming, so did CJ. The men threw the boys to the ground, and one of them grabbed a video camera that was grey and brand new and started recording the whole scenario. Ethan and CJ looked around, noticing some flashlights facing the ceiling.

"What are you going to do with us" yelled Ethan and backed up from these men, touching the cold and dirty wall at the end of the room. One of the men started laughing and took off his jacket. The other man laid his camera onto a stabilizer and took off his jacket, the camera facing Ethan and CJ. Both men, popping their knuckles started hitting CJ and Ethan. After every hit, the blue and green bruises on their bodies got bigger, the skin slowly opened after every impact. Blood draining out of their mouths and both moaning and trying to fight off the bashing of the men. After getting battered by these men, Ethan and his brother tried to stand up but couldn't, they were broken and weak.

"Why?" moaned Ethan and spitted blood to the ground. "We did everything you guys told us to do," asked Ethan and broke out in tears as he was on his knees and hands, shaking heavily. He went up to CJ and touched CJ at his face. CJ, closed and opened his eyes and his left eye was not green anymore it was red. Blood ran down his neck as he opened his mouth and turned around facing the ground. The men slowly closed the greyish, old and cold door, and Ethan and CJ's life as well as their childhood has been silently destroyed.

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