Torn to Pieces

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"Hey!" shouted the man, ordering them to stand up. Ethan and CJ, both stood up as fast as they could.

"Can we get something to eat, we are hungry" asked CJ silently.

"No" spluttered the man.

"But we-" impeded by the man, Ethan got punched at his belly.

Coughing loudly and trying to catch his breath again, Ethan fell to the ground.

"I said no, why are y'all still questioning me?", yelled the man angry.

"Ethan you okay?" asked CJ his brother concerned as he bend over to help him.

"Let me catch my breath, I'm dizzy." moaned Ethan as he tried to stand up. Ethan leaned on CJ in order not to fall down again. The man told them to move. As they walked through a compact, dark and cold hallway, they met the other kidnapper. As they got to sit on the couch, Steven left, soon Joe joined him and they both disappeared behind the old door the ranch had. As CJ looked around the room, he noticed an old phone. As fast as he could, he grabbed it and dialed his mother's number.

"Hello, this is Ashley Miller." As soon as the boys heard their mom's voice through the phone, they started crying but very silent.

"Hello?" repeats Ashley on the phone.

"Ethan, CJ?" said Ashley with a sobbing voice.

As CJ and Ethan tried to talk to their mom, the kidnappers have entered the barn after smoking their cigarettes and the boys heard the old door creaking. The boys immediately hung up and threw the phone to a corner in which it broke in half, and sat still as the kidnappers had them back in their eyesights.

Ashley called the officers which have been working nonstop.

"I think they just called but they didn't say anything at all, but I know for sure that they were my boys!" said Ashley.

"Let us try to track the phone call, our specialists will try their best, but if they have a good system which blocks and makes it difficult for us to track it then I'm not sure if we can find an accurate location." responded the officer. As the officer was about to leave he added.

"The FBI should be here shortly"

"Alright, thank you Officer" said Noah with a half smile.

Noah and Ashley stood on the porch with a glass of water in their hands, Ashley covered with a big blue blanket which belonged to Ethan and one shirt in her hands that belonged to CJ.

"Do you think they are fine? Do you think they are hurt?" asked Ashley as she took a sip of her water. Noah shrugged.

"Honey, I don't know all I hope is that they are doing fine and are not hurt in anyway." As they stood at their porch they saw black suburban SUVs approaching their house.

"The FBI is here" one of the officers shouted, Ashley and Noah left the porch and soon were standing at their mailbox.

"This is Ashley and Noah Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Miller this is FBI Agent Reid who's in charge." the officer introduced them.

"We will bring back your two sons Mr. and Mrs. Miller" said the FBI Supervisor with a confident voice.

"I hope you will" said Ashley and finished drinking her water. The FBI collected every information the Police Force had and soon the phone rang again. As the FBI Agents, the Millers and some police officers headed back inside, Noah reached to the phone but was stopped by Reid.

"Don't answer yet" Reid informed Noah looked at him confused and waited for him to allow him to pick up the phone.

"Wait" Reid stated

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