1 - I can Only Imagine

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I was gone tomorrow. Leaving England for a two-week trip to America with my best friend. I was nervous, to finally see Dream without looking through a screen. To not just see random blurry pictures of his face he's sent me or weird pictures of his feet. It was going to be him. Real-life, real Dream. And I was ecstatic. 

I laid in bed, my arms folded on my stomach. My heart was racing, and I was too tired to even imagine sleeping.  Even though I had a five am flight in the morning my body refused to close its eyes.  My body was wide awake, thinking of the flight, boarding, exiting, and finally seeing Dream's face. Probably smiling that stupid grin you could hear when he was laughing, or flirting. I could only imagine the excitement he was feeling, the way he felt about me coming there to meet him. Was he as excited as I was? Could he barely even think of anything else without his mind slipping to me? I pulled out my phone and opened discord. Maybe he was online?

Me: Hey Dream, can't sleep. Too excited :]

I waited for him to respond, but it felt like ages.  But my face lit up when I saw his response. 

Dream: Hey George, sorry I'm brainstorming. I'm stoked too, I cant wait to see you too...

Me: What are you brainstorming?? 

Dream: Something for the next video. I was thinking of something we could do for a plugin, but I'm having no luck.

Me: Have you thought any more about the one we talked about over a call yesterday? I thought that one was pretty cool. 

Dream: Yeah, but you came up with that. I didn't want to steal your ideas. I need something for my channel... :/

Me: You know I don't really mind. We could also do it on the team channel. 

Dream: Maybe. Crap got to go, Patches got into her treats again. Try to sleep, George. Love you ;p

George: Pfft, Bye. 

My face was warm, that was undeniable. He always had to pull that on me, teasing me with I love yous. I would say it back if he didn't make me feel like it was some joke. But that didn't wipe away the giddy smile on my face.  I could only imagine if he was smiling too.  Just a few more hours, then I would be on the plane and I would know for sure.  


My eyes were droopy when I got off the plane. It was obviously early when I got there, and Dream had the same tired eyes that I did. But when he spotted me, his face lit up. 

"George!" His voice was rougher than usual. I couldn't tell if it was just his morning voice or if the mic just picked it up differently. Weirdly enough, I liked it. 

"Dream!" I ran to him, stopping just about a foot away. Dream didn't hesitate, he scooped me into a hug. Wrapping his arms around me, causing me to drop my luggage.  Dream had to fold himself to hug me,  he was laughing, squeezing me tighter by the second.  "We really should have planned for a later flight. I'm exhausted." Dream just laughed. 

"Probably. Oh also," Dream pulled away from me, grabbing one of my suitcases. "Sapnap will be joining us for a few days. He has to leave though, he has finals." 

"He's such a baby, " I said, grinning. 

"He's not here. he cants hear your terrible jokes when you try to make fun of him. " 

"I'm hilarious shut up." I giggled, shaking my head and grabbing the bag that Dream hadn't taken yet. He led me to his car. 

His car wasn't too exciting. It screamed Dream, though.  He had an air-freshener that was ocean scented, and a backpack in the passenger seat. A blanket was in the back seat, something that was honestly a smart precaution. There was a metal water bottle on the floor and a Dream Blob key chain hanging from the rearview mirror. 

"Here I'll take your bags, start the car for me?" I nodded, I got into the passenger side door and leaned over, and turned the key in the ignition. The chilly morning air was wiped away when I turned on the heat slightly.  Dream slipped into the driver's seat. 

"So I vote we go to your place, take a power nap, and then you can show me around a bit?" 

"Sounds perfect. Sapnap is going to be here tomorrow, so hopefully, you two get along..." Dream chuckled. 

"That's wishful thinking Dream." I chuckled, we were on the road before I knew it. And no matter how much I tried to keep myself from doing it, my eyes kept stealing glances from him. His eyes were green apple green, and they were so vibrant against his skin. Freckles dusted his cheeks, and his nose was pointed at the end. His jaw was sharp, and he looked so peaceful while staring at the road.  His eyes were at rest, and his head was tilted upward to avoid the sun. 

"George...." I snapped away and looked at him, he glanced away from the road for a quick second. "I'm really happy you're here." He went back to the road. I glanced out my window, just so he couldn't catch my smile. 

"You have no idea how excited I am to be here too." 

Dream's house was simple.  He had a few rooms, a bedroom, a bathroom, an office, and a kitchen. The moment you walked in was the Kitchen and the island. It was tiny and perfect for someone like dream. The wall was open and you could walk straight into the living room. He had a three-person couch and a small coffee table. 

"It's nice," I smiled, I watched as Patches was curled up into her bed underneath the coffee table. "She looks like she is full from those treats..." I laughed. 

"She got into the entire bag. I had them sitting up and she knocked them over. She clawed and chewed through the bag until she got to the treats. She ate the entire bag. " 

"Ah, so you didn't get to her in time last night, huh?"

"No, probably because some British boy was distracting me." 

"Hey, not my fault you are distracted easily." 

"Only by you..." He cooed softly, before laughing and taking my bags. I stood there shocked for a moment. His words flustering me. 

"haha funny." 

"Come on. You can keep your bags in my room..." 


Hellow! I hope you like my new fanfic. It has been ages since I've done fanfiction but I've been wanting to write this since I read some DNF stories. I hope you enjoy it. Chapters are short, and all of my fanfics are typically about 15K-20K words for the full story. So only expect about 14-15 chapters. Comments and Votes are greatly appreciated. Also! Dream will be referred to as Dream during the ENTIRE fanfic, I dont want to call him by his name if he's not comfortable. Same with Sippy Cup. Even if they don't care, it's a respect thing for me personally. 

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