8 - I Just Like To Hear His Voice

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It was nearly three in the morning when we stopped for the night. Dream said we'd be back on the road by six. I couldn't sleep, but I knew that Dream was exhausted, so I pulled out my headphones and pulled up youtube. I clicked on some random video with Dream in it. Playing with Corpse and Sykkuno on Among us. I guess in the back of my mind I always thought it was weird that I thought of Dream as a comfort streamer. Thinking of your best friend like that was always strange to me, but a part of me could never drop it. Whenever I was down I was able to click and I could hear his laugh. It was like carrying a little piece of him whenever I needed it. I wondered if he had done the same with me? If he had typed my name into the search bar when he couldn't sleep. In the middle of the night when he really needed it. Probably not, I knew it was weird. It felt wrong to me, I am sure that he would feel the same about that. Yet here I was, unable to exit the video, even though he was right beside me sleeping soundly. I heard a sob. I paused my video and pulled out an earbud. I thought for a moment then rewound the video making sure it wasn't some weird background noise. It wasn't. I turned off my phone and wrapped my headphones around it.

"Dream?" I asked, reaching out my hand again. Barely touching his shoulder. "Dream?" I asked again, softer this time around. He choked back a sob and I cringed. Not with disgust but with pain. I could feel the hurt radiating off of him.

"I'm fine. Just go back to sleep." He didn't face me. I guessed it was because he could bear to put on a fake smile.

"Don't lie to me please," I told him, sitting up straight in my seat. I heard him sniffle.

"Just, please. I don't want you to see how hurt I am." He said, my heart broke for him.

"I don't have to see you, Dream. But you don't have to hide yourself either. I'm here if you need me to listen." I could see his arms tighten around himself.

"He's like my best friend. He's been there since I was two and every weekend and family event-" I heard him stifle back a cry. "He could be dying and I don't even know how to handle it. I don't know what to do,"

"Dream. I know it's hard and I can't tell you that there is a proper way to cope. But sometimes you have to put yourself first, you need to utilize your friends. I am here, you don't even need to say anything. I am here for you, always." Dream turned around. Eyes red and puffy from crying, tears streaming down his face. I reached over and wiped them away with the pad of my thumb. That wasn't something I typically did. He made me do things. Things I wouldn't do before. I ran a hand through his hair, softly massaging his scalp. He closed his eyes and hummed. "Don't stop okay? I just want to be able to go to sleep."

"I wouldn't even dare I promise." He smiled a little, and I could tell he was slowly drifting off. "I'm here, I hope I'm enough." He gave me a grin.

"You're perfectly enough." he smiled and I sensed that he was going to say something stupid. "If I put it your way, you're all I need." I practically scowled and pulled my hand away from him. His eyes went wide.

"I say one thing I actually mean and you tease me about it." I turned from him. And he sat up to reach for me. I'll admit that it hurt me just a little. The fact that the moment I had tried to be more than what I was and show affection he makes fun of me for it.

"George." My name rolled perfectly off his tongue. It made me shudder. It was a shame I couldn't do the same to him. I knew I couldn't, he wouldn't feel the same about me. Ever. This small crush I had was going to be over soon. And I wouldn't have to worry about him feeling the same in a little while. "George," he repeated my name. I hugged myself.

"Please don't. Go to sleep, you need it. It's no big deal I promise. Please just go to sleep. This isn't about me, just sleep so we can get going in the morning." I could almost feel him touch me, but I knew that his hand was just hovering over me. It seemed like enough, almost like electricity and he hadn't touched me.

"Okay. Goodnight George."



We were already back on the road by the time I woke up. Dream's eyes were furrowed and focused on the road before him. I yawned a little and stretched. Dream cut me glances while I did so. "George I'm sorry-"

"Really Dream it's fine. I was tired and we'd had a long drive. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad." Dream grabbed my hand without even looking at me. Running the pad of his thumb along my knuckles. I looked over at him but he didn't look at me. He gently pulled his hand from mine and put it back on the wheel. My hand felt like it was almost numb, so shocked by that simple little gesture. His way of both apologizing and accepting my own apology. Telling me that it was alright, just a little touch of his hand and I knew exactly what he was saying.

"You're so cute when you blush George," he joked and I shook my head. Laughing, I looked out the window.

"You're such an idiot." I wonder if his face was as red as mine was. 


1K words 

Hope you all enjoyed it! The first chapter of my original novel is also up and I would love if you checked it out. No need to though, I just know that at least some of you have to like Gay fantasy. Welp! Love you all thanks for reading it means a lot! I love it when you all comment and vote! Have a blessed day everyone! Stay safe

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