6 - Bye

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Dream looked giddy when he finally woke up around three pm. He looked happy and well-rested. I offered him a smile when he walked into the kitchen, he happily returned the gesture. He took a double-take, looking around his kitchen, I gave him a wide grin.

"You straightened up for me? That's really sweet..." He said walking closer to me, Sapnap was laying on the couch while I cleaned up the rest of the kitchen.

"I thought it was a nice thank you, you're not mad right?" I asked, drying my hands after washing them.

"Mad? Of course not," When he hugged me I was a little taken back, but I wrapped my arms around him as he did so to me. "Thank you for the flowers too," I couldn't hold back the grin, I was glad he enjoyed them.

"Okay, okay, get off," I laughed pushing him away from me. He laughed too, "be quite the baby is sleeping,"

"I can hear you, you stupid bitch," Sapnap said groggily from the living room. Dream and I died in a fit of laughter. We both went silent when Dream's phone rang.

"Hey give me a second it's my mom," I nodded and he went to the other side of the room, I could barely even hear his whisper. I blocked him out, not wanting to catch anything from his conversation. I turned back to the sink and minded my own business.

Then I heard the sound of his phone falling onto the tile floor. I whipped around, studying him. His back was turned from me and he had a hand up to his mouth. His shoulders shaking.

"Dream? Is everything okay?" I walked over to him slowly, putting a hand on his shoulder. He didn't move, he stood there, eyes wide. "Dream, talk to me..." Sapnap emerged from the living room, a worried look on his face.

"I uhm..." he sniffled, I just noticed the tears running down his face. "My cousin got into an accident. They don't know if he's going to make it. He's been in Iowa for work for the past few months and he got run off the road and I-" I reached for him, not sure how to respond. But before I could do anything he was already crying on Sapnap's shoulder, nuzzled into the shorter boy's neck. "He's like my best friend and I want to see him. I'm so sorry guys."

"Dream there isn't anything to be sorry about," I said, I wanted to reach for him. To comfort him, but it felt wrong.

"I think I'm going to drive up there tomorrow. George, I am so sorry I know that I was supposed to spend this time with you. You're welcome to go home if you'd like, I know that I wouldn't want to stay here all alone if I were you-"

"Dream I'm not going anywhere. I am not going to let you do this alone," He nodded, eyes falling from his eyes he was sobbing harshly. "Besides, I already bought my ticket for two weeks from now. No way I'm buying another one," I joked, he choked out a laugh. He bit back tears and finally, I joined their hug. I ran a hand through Dream's hair, he practically purred at the gesture. I noted in my mind that he loved head massages. "I'm not leaving you Dream. We'll head out tomorrow..." I rested my chin on his shoulder and I could feel him nod in response.


I had brought Dream back to his bed, he said he wanted to be alone for a while so we let him. Me and Sapnap were sitting on the couch blocking out some show that was on the T.V. we were both too worried to pay attention.

"Think he'll be okay?" Sapnap asked. I took a deep breath.

"I think he'll try to make it look like he's okay. But I know that he's taking this hard, that's why I'm going with him."

"He's always been like that. It's like he's wearing a mask or something, constantly hiding his emotions with a smile." Sapnap sighed. "He's always so consumed with helping us or his fans he never takes any time for himself. I wish he would. He deserves it." I nodded, fiddling with my fingers. I checked the clock. Nearly eleven now. I sat up, sighing again.

"You can take the couch, I'll sleep on the floor." Sapnap tried to argue but I shushed him. "Dream has some extra blankets in his bedroom. I'm going to go get them for me to use." He nodded and grabbed the blanket I had put on the back of the couch for himself. I crept into his bedroom and picked up two of the folded blankets at the end of his bed. I heard rustling and was met with a tired Dream sitting up in bed.

"What're you doing?" He asked, rubbing his eyes a little.

"Getting blankets for me to use. Go back to sleep," I said softly.

"Are you going to sleep on the floor?" He asked, I nodded.

"You can just sleep in here. You did it last night. It'll just be like a sleepover..." I sucked in my breath.

"If you want me to I will. But if you'd rather be alone then I don't mind..." He looked away from me, looking over at his PC.

"Honestly, I would like the company..." He pursed his lips then looked back at me. Studying my face for an answer.

"Then in here, it is," I walked over to the other side of the bed and he lifted the blanket for me to crawl under. I snuggled deep into the blankets, letting that scent take over me again. Quickly I pulled out my phone and messaged Sapnap.

Me: He wanted me to sleep in here with him. Night Sippy Cup.

SippyCup: Simp

Me: Him or me??

SippyCup: Both of you. I'll probably be gone when you guys wake up. Give Dream a smooch for me.

Me: Pfft No thanks. Bye Sapnap.

SippyCup: Bye Gogy <3

I rolled over to face Dream. He was turned away from me, but when he felt me move he did too. His eyes were barely open but he smiled at me. His eyes were red obviously from crying. I reached over and cupped his face. Brushing hair away from his forehead, his eyes fluttered closed when I cupped his face. Brushing my thumb back and forth on his cheek. I thought of pulling away, but I didn't. I did that until I fell asleep as he did. 



Sorry for the filler. I really am having no motivation today but wanted to write because it makes me feel better. I'm sorry if this chapter is short and not the most beautifully written. Please understand that I am not an amazing writer so I'm sorry. I'll be getting to the point next chapter, also I'll make the next part longer. Probably 2K. I love you all <3

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