chapter 1 - at least my mom can't hear the moans

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I checked my phone one more time in hopes my mom would text me a "im here" any second. Being stuck with a bunch of seniors is not the first thing i want to do. None of them and i mean none of them are anywhere close to being hot their all just thirsty ass white boys hoping to get fucked.

"hey emily need a ride"

i almost vomit in my mouth at the voice that just said that. Its colin the lowest they get at my school. I fucked him by accident last month when i was drunk off my ass and i have never regreted anything more.

"no thanks colin my moms almost here" i lied giving him a sweet smile as I head outside in hopes to avoid anymore conversation with the only people decent enough to talk to.

I check my phone one more time in hopes that my mom has said anything but the last text is still the "im on my way" crap she said a half hour ago.

I take a seat on the bench knowing that im going to be stuck here for a while. Checking through all my social medias and coming to snapchat last i check and reply to the couple of snaps from my friends and leave the rest. Execpt the one from Harry i open it surprised that hes actully talking to me since the party where i fucked Colin. He wasn't to fond of that.

Its a picture of half his face (typical white boys) and it says u free tonight ;)

Its exactly what it looks like harry is and always has been my fuck buddy. Neither of us has really been a realshionship so we just kinda use eachother for much needed sex. We have never had feelings for eachother. It was just like we were using eachother and to be honest he's a great.

I quikly respond with a selfie of half my face of course and tell him to come at 7.

Just then my moms giant ass car pulls up. I only have one other sibling so i dont see why having a huge ass cadalic is getting her anywhere but she claims that she needs it for our two great danes but i think shes just using that as an exuse to be able to own an expensive car.

I hop in easily because of my blessed long legs. The two dogs are in the back of course and dont even acknowledge my presence and i really feel the love. Hidden by my dogs is my annoying ass freshaman brother that must of gotten picked up at the end of the school by the gym. He also doesnt acknowledge me.

My mother speeds off into the road and asks me and dillion how our days were we answer in a simple "fine" my mother just laughs at how pathetic we sound and we continue to drive as my brother starts talking to my mom about some hockey practice that he has.

As for me the only sport i play is volleyball and its off season so my club team only plays on the weekend so i have pretty much everyday free to do whatever the hell i want. And that includes fucking Harry on a day to day basis.

As we pull up into my annoyingly large house the dogs start to go crazy at the sight of my dad in his stupid ass range rover. you have no idea how annoying it is to be in a rich family. Looking in from the outside it seems fabulous which it sometimes is but theres always negitives about it.

The only thing that i like about it is that my parents built a whole section of the house for my pleasure its kinda like having a huge ass room where your mother could never possibly hear
all the moans unless she was sitting in front of you.

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