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The next day was smoother than the last. Ava had been back for a while now. She was sat by the tree. You know, the tree. She'd been sat there since she got back, and didn't wanna talk to anyone. Her brother tried to talk to her, but they ended up rowing and he stormed off. Chuck also tried it, but left when he knew he wasn't gonna get a response. Once again, someone sat beside her, and she didn't even flinch.

"Ava, are you okay?" A female voice asked, so she assumed it was Teresa. "You know you can talk to me, right."

"I'm tired, Teresa." She admitted. "And I'm hungry. And I feel ill because I haven't slept, and because I haven't eaten. But I can't even do those basic things anymore. He was always there. He sat next to me at the table, and he held my hand. He slept beside me, and I was in his arms all night. I don't have that anymore and it's just not the same without it. He won't even look at me."

"Ava, you can't do this to yourself. You're gonna get sick. Really, really sick. How do you think Thomas would react if he knew about this?" She asks.

"He doesn't even wanna talk to me right now. We had a fight and I said that he ruined my life and I wish I could forget him all over again." Ava said, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. "I said that I wished I never knew he existed."

"He knows you didn't mean it." Teresa assures her. "I'm sure he said something too." Ava shook her head.

"He never even raised his voice."

"Everything's gonna be okay." Ava then looks up, and frowns at what she sees. "What's wrong?"

"The walls haven't closed yet." She points out. "They should've been closed an hour ago."

"Do you think that's maybe why Thomas is running over?"


"Get up. Get up now." Thomas says in a full on panic.

"What's going on?" Ava asks as she and Teresa stand up.

"The grievers are here." Ava was shocked. How could the grievers be here? Where were they gonna go? Would they all die? "Ava, move yourself. Don't make me throw you over my shoulder." Thomas led both girls towards the council house (where they hold the meetings) and locked the door behind them. Ava quickly scanned around, checking that everyone she cared about was safe. There were a few other Gladers, but she recognised Thomas, Teresa, Alby, Chuck, Minho, Frypan, Whinston, and Newt.

"Ava, thank god." Chuck spoke and Newt looked at her. Ava couldn't fight it anymore, and pulled Newt towards her, hugging him with everything she had. Her heart was beating out of her skin, and for a moment she forgot she wasn't the only one in the room. She leaned back, so to look him in the face.

"I'm so glad you're-" she was cut off by him crashing their lips together. Sure, she was suprised, but she didn't fight it. When he finally pulled back, everything was quiet for a moment, before she spoke. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He replied, causing her to smile.

"You guys are so cute together." Teresa urged, nudging Thomas. "Right, Thomas."

"Yeah, yes. Yes, they are." Thomas finally agreed. Ava didn't know that Thomas had approached Newt earlier in the day after Teresa scolded him for pushing them appart. He hadn't realised how much it hurt both of them, and he wanted them to be happy. He was trying to tell Ava, but she snapped at him and they argued instead.

"This is great and everything, but can we plan how were not gonna die?" Chuck said, visibly nervous. Suddenly, a griever tail came slamming through the wall, grabbing one of the Gladers and dragging them out, as everyone else screamed. It started happening all around them, and there was nothing they could do. "Alby!" Chuck cried, as Alby was dragged from sight. Chuck himself was the then grabbed, but Ava quickly caught his arm, pulling him back towards her. "Ava, Ava, please don't let it take me." He cried.

"Stop it! Just stop it!" The griever then let go of Chuck, and turned to peer through the hole. It stared right at Ava, like it was scanning her face for some sort of confirmation that she was who it though she was. It then disappears, taking it's friends with it. Ava stood there confused, still holding onto Chuck as he panted in fear. After a few minutes of silence, the survivors emerged from the half-destroyed council house to see most of the Glade was in tatters. Ava felt a tightening in her chest as she looked around. She then saw Gally and a few other survivors coming towards them. However, Gally didn't look happy, and was coming stright for her. "Gally-" Without warning, Gally struck her across the face with suck force, it knocked her to the floor.

"Gally, what the hell!" Thomas yelled, very protectively pushing Gally back.

"All of this started happening when you got here, Ava! All of this is your fault!" Gally fumed as numerous Gladers held him back.

"Are you alright?" Newt asked, helping her up.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She replied rather quietly.

"You're gonna pay for this, Greenie! You're gonna pay for what you've done to us!"

"I didn't do this. I didn't."

"You're a filthy little liar!"

"No, I'm not. But you know what, you all should know something." Everything fell quiet. "I think I found a way out today. And I was sure to map every single corner and corridor to make sure I could find it again, so all of us could get out of here. I was staring to doubt there even was an escape, but now I've decided that I'm willing to take that chance. Because risking my life out there is better than spending the rest of it in here. I'm leaving tomorrow at sunrise. And nothing you do or say is gonna stop me."

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