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They tried to make their escape. Tried. Ava noticed that Newt was quickly slowing behind them. Then he collapsed. Ava stopped dead in her tracks and went back to him.

"Newt, are you okay?" She crouched beside him. "What's happening?" He pulls something from around his neck and presses it into the palm of her hand.

"Ava, please take this."


"Please. Ava, please." He begged. She clutched it in her hand. She was about to speak, when suddenly she heard Teresa's voice on the loud speaker. Ava stood, looking around for the speaker.

"Thomas, you have to come back. It your blood. It's the cure. Tommy, you can save a lot of people. You can save Newt." She turned to look at Newt, having realised he's infected. Just in time to, as she found he was about to attack her with whatever he could find.

"Newt. Newt, stop!" She cries, backing away. "Please!" He suddenly freezes, clearly losing this battle between himself and the virus.

"Ava. Kill me, please, Ava." He pleads.

"No. I can't."

"Please. I don't wanna hurt you."

"It's okay. We're gonna get you help." Newt groans in pain as his hands clench into fists. He went for her again. He was so close to her, when he suddenly stopped. Ava was confused at first, but then she followed his eyes as he looked down. "No." She breathed, seeing he had stuck a knife in his own chest. He dropped to the ground and she went with him, tears streaming down her face. "No, please. Please. Please. Newt!" She sobbed like she'd never sobbed before. Her heart was shattering into smaller and smaller pieces as she desperately tried to wake him. She then feels someone pulling her up.

"Ava. Ava, come on." Minho said.


"Ava. It's okay." He continued, pulling her into his chest so she didn't have to look at his body anymore.


They were so lucky they found Thomas when they did. Jorge had picked them up in a stolen helicopter. When Thomas got in, Ava didn't even batter an eyelid. She just sat there with Newt's necklace in her hand.

"Av?" Thomas muttered. She looked up at him. "I lost Teresa." He said sadly.

"I lost Newt." She replies, feeling the lump in her throat. As they took off, in search of a, hopefully, permanent sanctuary, thought's flew through her mind. What was gonna happen to them? How was she gonna do this without him? How Thomas lost Teresa? And how she was gonna break it to them? How was she gonna tell them about the baby?

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