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Ava wished someone told her. She didn't know Whinston had been bitten. But it was clear now as he laid there breathing heavily. They had to stop at midday for a bit of shelter, because it was so hot and they were so dehydrated. Ava had wondered a lite further, looking out towards the mountains. That's where they were headed. It seemed like they were getting further and further away.

"Ava." She turned her head a little and smiled when she saw Teresa stop beside her.

"Hey, Teresa." She said.

"What are you thinking about?"

"That we're probably gonna run out of water at some point." Ava replied, looking back out to the mountains.

"Ava, I think we should go back." Teresa said suddenly, to the total suprise of Ava.

"Even after everything they've done to us? You wanna go back?"

"No, Ava, you don't understand."

"What don't I understand?" Ava took a breath. "What did they do to you, Teresa?" Teresa looked as though she was about to answer when a gunshot came from where the others were. Ava rushed back towards them, confused as to what just happened. "What's going on?"

"He just grabbed my gun, I don't-" Frypan stuttered, looking down at Whinston.

"Please." He breathed. "Please. I don't wanna end up like them." Newt knelt beside him, placing the gun in his hand. "Thank you. Thank you."

"Goodbye, Whinston." He said, then taking Ava by the hand. After everyone had gathered their things, they started walking once more. Only to freeze again when the final gunshot sounded.


They've been walking for hours now in the scorching sun. Ava noticed Minho went for a drink, only to find his bottle was empty. She strode beside him, handing him hers.

"Ava, I'm not gonna take your water." He refused.

"It's only a little. Plus, do I look dehydrated to you?" He pursued his lips. "Please. Just a tiny little droplet?"

"One tiny little droplet." He agreed, taking her water from her. She smiled.

"And now he's taken the water..." Thomas started.

"Absolutely parched." Ava smiled.


The next night, they had no shelter, and had to bed down in the middle of the desert area. It wasn't like Ava was in a deep sleep, so there's no suprise she heard it. The sound of thunder and lightning rattling towards them.

"Shit." She muttered. "Hey, guys! Wake up! Quickly!" She panicked, shaking everyone awake. She looked around, and saw something that looked like a light in the distance. "This way, hurry!" When the others saw the lightning, they started to run too. Fast, and towards the lights. The lightning was was rolling in, striking the ground right behind them. Once they were inside, what looked to be some sort of warehouse, they finally felt safe... for the whole of two seconds. Weirdly enough, Ava could see everyone in front of her, yet could feel someone grabbing her arm from behind. Suddenly, all the lights flickered on, and that's when she saw they were surrounded by cranks that were chained up. She immediately jolted forward, horrified after finding it was a crank that was grabbing onto her.

"I see you've met our guard dogs." A voice came, as a woman strutted through them thoughtlessly. "Come on. Jorge wants to see you." They all remained quiet, and she huffed in annoyance. "Unless you'd rather stay out here with them."


They blindly followed the girl through crowds of people. Men to be specific. Very touchy men. Ava squeezed her way in the middle of those she was with, as not to be grouped by strangers. The girl led them into an office and a man on a spiny chain turned towards them. He gasped when he clasped eyes on Ava.

"It's you." He said.

"M- me?"

"Yes, dear. WCKD said to be on the look out for the girl with the red hair."

"Red hair? I have red hair?" She asked, turning to look at Frypan, who nodded. "Hang on, are you with WCKD?"

"Ha! No. However I do feel you could be my ticket to the safe haven." Suddenly, the girl grabbed Thomas, using some sort of scanner over the back of his neck.

"They are WCKD." She smiled.



"This is absolute shit."

"Shut up, Minho." Ava groaned. She did not like the idea if being tied upside-down, but it's not like there's much they could do about it. They were just gonna have to sit tight and wait for someone to come up with something. It wasn't gonna be easy, you know, will all the good rushing to their heads.

"I have an idea." Thomas spoke, proving Ava's thought process to be incorrect. "Ava, do you think you could take my hand?" They reached out for each other, and just reached by the tips of their fingers. "Okay, I'm gonna swing you toward Minho, and he's gonna swing you towards that lever."

"That's not gonna work." Ava argues.

"I'm up for any ideas you have." Silence. "Right, so can you just try this, please?"

"Alright. Don't be so menstrual about it."

"Gross." Thomas pushed her towards Minho, who almost instantly pushed her towards the lever. She could almost reach it, but not quite.

"Again." She breathed. He pushed her once more and this time, she grabbed it. With all the strength she could muster, she pulled on it, dropping everyone down a little. She untied her feet and proceeded to pull everyone in. Once everyone was untied, she felt a sense of optimism... for the whole of two seconds. The sound of a gun being cocked made her wanna slam her head into a wall. They couldn't catch a break. However, she never got a glimpse of who it was, as they themselves were shot in the back of the head by the girl. "Who even are you?"

"Brenda. Now move yourselves. We're leaving." She started to walk away, leading them up to the top floor and towards the edge of the building. From this one, to the next, was a zipline. Oh boy.

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